Tuesday, August 23, 2005

sepeda masuk hotel

Well, aku bangun pagi banget hari ini, udah semacam kebiasaan kalau mau pergi suka ngga bisa tidur takut kesiangan, padahal tadi malam tidur udah jam 12 lebih karena banyak setrikaan. beres beres sebentar bersihin apartment dan ready to go, dari apartment aku jalan sebentar ke jasmin statiun, karena deket situ adahalte taxi, dan in 10 Minutes, taxi dah datang, bonjour Monsieur, a Charle de gaule aeroport sil vous plait, deux D (2D) sil vous plait, dah afyer itu silence not so much talking. I feel like a free, karena keluar dari paris yang orangnya very love to much they langague, menurut keterangan, denmark dan sweden they speakenglish everywhere and is a common.
arrive in CDG, pay taxi dan wait nico, ngga lama dia dateng, terus register e-tiket luamayan pajang antrian bukan karena pesawatnya full, tapi karena gate yang dibukauntuk register cuman satu hahaah, c'est normal, this france.... harus sabar sabar deh disini.
akhirnya beres, dan kita masih ada waktu sekitar 1 jam, mampir sebentar di cafe untuk breakfast, croisson, cafe jus, standard breakfast di sini. lumayan mahal untuk breakfastcost about 8.9€ per person, anyway is bussines trip. ok we had boarding and once again have to patient, karena di tempat boarding ada masalah sedikit, padahal pesawat udah delay 15 menit dari jadwal, Ok once again c'est normal. in total pesawat delay for 45 minutes dan take off to Copenhagen, denmark. ini the best way untuk ke Malmo SWeden, jadi Malmo ituujungnya sweden dan dekat banget dengan ibu kota denmark copenhagen. dari copenhagen kita naik train ke malmo, cost about 10€ one way, serunya train ini nyebrang selat cukup panjang juga selatnya, tapi ngga sepanjang selat sunda, ada lah sekitar 15 menit di atas laut.
akhirnya sampai di malmo, jam 4 sore, waktu disini sama dengan waktu di paris, jadi ngga ada time different, cuaca cukup cerah banget, 25° is better than paris karena selalu mendungoh ya sweden ini termasuk schengen country, tapi mereka ngga pake euro, mereka masih make Krone sweden, 1€ = 9.38 Krone. jadia kita terpaksa harus tukar duit dulu di money changgeraku pisah sama Nico di stasiun karena hotel kita beda, aku di scandic kramer hotel http://www.scandic-hotel.se ngga jauh dari central stasiun cukup jalan kaki about 500 meter dan ini termasuk hotspotnya di malmo, malmo kota pelabuhan cukup besar dimana export dan import ke negaran scandivania dan europe berawal disini.
setelah check in, aku telpon nico untuk ketemu di stasiun lagi karena kita harus sewa sepeda, yup sepeda engkol, it's very common to have this, dan it will helpfull to work karena kalaujalan dari hotel te tempat acara america's cup lumayan jauh, aku sewa sepeda buat 1 minggu, cost about 500 krone atau sekitar 45€ hmmm lumayan mahal, anyway ini perlu jadi is OK, toh bisa aku reimbust hahaha. terus dimana-mana banyak oran make sepeda dan tersedia tempat khusus untuk parkir sepeda, karena banyak yang kerja di copenhagen parkir sepeda di stasiun.terus trang udah lama ngga main sepeda, jadi paha pada pegel semua nich, sempet kram sebentar tapi ayooh di geol geol terus oeeyyy. sampe ke tempat acreditation sebagai perwakilan dari kantor, kasih passport akhirnya dapat pass untuk support acara ini,setelah dapat passport aku ketemu product manager yan handle ini, namanya scott, australian yang ngomongnya bleketekbeleketek, ibaratnya ngmomon bahasa udik, alias english kampung. kita discuss sebentar soal kerjaan etc etc
terus kita di invite untuk BBQ party untuk semua peserta baik dari Event organiser, partner dan peserta racing, big party beruntung masih ada cola dan kambing sama beef, soalnya lainyabeer, wine, sampanye dimana-mana.
mulai sore udara jadi berubah windy, temperature berubah banget jadi 9° huaaaaa, mana haru naik sepeda lagi.... brruuururrrrr anginnya dingin banget.... kayaknya besok harus beli jacketamerica's cup nich biar ngga kedinginan. terasa deh pegel di kaki karena udah lama ngga naik sepeda ditambah dingin aaahvh sempet kram beberapa menit dan ngga bisa geol geol sepeda. terus kitabalik ke city center, karena mid augustus sampai 26 agustus adalah malmo festival, jadi rame ada live musik dimana-mana dari khusus untuk anak muda yang heavy metal, disco, techno, juga buat babe-babeyang suka 70 atau yang 60 cuman sayang ngga ada dangdut, dangdut is music of my country hahahahah.jadi sampai akhir bulan ini ada banyak keramaian yah macam pasar malam dan kaki lima di blok M, disini bisa cari tas Luis Vitton yang aspal atau kacamata Gucci samuannya made in cina, karena penjualnya aku liat face chinoax, hahahah another petaling street kayak di KL.
ok luamayn udah dicovering malmo sebagian dan balik ke Hotel, aku ngobrol dengan nico di lobby sambil minum coffe, terus ngga lama datang jean-domique, aku kenal jean-dominique udah lama 2 tahun laluwaktu settingg jawa games di KL, selama ini belum pernah ketemu cuman kerja lewat YIM atau di Skype, akhirnya ketemu juga di Malmo, ngga lama kemudian dateng temen ya dia frederic, dua-duanya jagoan javakita stay di bar sampe diusir dengan halus ahahah krena uda mau tutup.OK, akhirnya kita cabut, ternyata jean-domonique dan frederic stay di hotel yang sama dengan aku, than I have problem karena ngga tahu haru taruh dimana sepeda rental tadi, aku terus tanya sama receptionistdia bilang, yes, sir we can give our big storage to put your bike, you could check that room, ok aku check cukup lumayan gede, jadi aku ambil sepeda dari tempat parkirdan aku taruh di depan lobby, aku masuk lagi dan tanya receptionist, are you sure, I can put my bike here, yes certainly sir, wow is very impresive, gue bisa taruh sepeda masuk hotel bintang Lima, ini ngga kanmungkin di jakarta bisa kayak gini,
yep, mean that everyting is possible, could not image in, but is true, is possible...
well i have to sleep, because, will be busy tomorrow.

Friday, August 19, 2005

c'est secret code pour toujours

aku udah beberapa minggu yang lalu dapat ATM atau disini sebutnya carte a bleu apapun bank nya disbut card bleu mungkin karena warnanya biru, tapi tiap bank memang punya logo yang bebeda.
beberapa hari yang lalu aku ngambil uang di ATM, seperti biasa semuanya in french.. terus ambil 10€ dan OK, kalau kita liat di jakarta macam BCA, BII, BNI, Mandiri atau bank bank lainnya, menu di ATM kan banyak tuch bisa bayar ini, bayar itu, kalau disini menu nya yaa cuman bisa retrait atau ambil duit, atau cari mesin yang lain untuk bisa transfer etc.
yang menarik, kalau kita dapat kartu ATM biasanya selalu dapat pin code bisa 4 bisa 6 angka, dan di sarankan sama bank penerbit untuk menggantinya di ATM terdekat setalah kita dapat, kalau disini ada 4 digit sebagai pin code dan ini ngga bisa kita ganti sendiri lewat mesin ATM, event kita call customer services ( 0,34 € perminute, is not free to get servcies ) dia ngga akan ganti, solusinyaa paling ganti kartu kalau mau. jadi itu nomor pin dari dapat sampai 20 tahun tetap sama ngga perlu ganti2, kecuali kalau hilang.

kalau diliat dari security, emang bagus jadi tiap kartu ngga sama pin numbernya, soalnya kalau sama sekali ilang satu dan bisa di akses bisa ke akses semua tuch duit di rekening, tapi repotnya harus menghapal banyak pin, kebayang deh, untuk masuk pintu gerbang apartment harus make pin code, terus pake atm make pin code, di kantor akses internet make password, kalau kata carlos nanti Mouse di kanto di kasih pin code juga atau di password. sekarang kebayang kalau kita punya 5 rekening di bank minimal kita harus menghapal lima tadi di tambah bermacam device yang butuh pin code, di satu sisi bagus membuat otak kita selalu menghapal kan sesuatu yang penting, di sisi lain lumayan repot is up to you to decide,

c'est secret code pour toujours

Monday, August 15, 2005

undiscovered Paris

This week is a long weekend in french, on friday my boss asked me what I will do for the weekend, I have plat to visit one of my friend in bretagnee, but his not available ok will plan another time, so i said nothing todo my be will discover paris once again and again hahahah, in fact this month is quite empty paris because some pariesen are took vacation in august but not me, even I am living in paris.

so Michael asked me if I would like join to have big branch in one of the famous place close to Hotel de Ville, the place call "le pain Quotidien", in fact this bulongarie or bread store but they mixed some kind of restaurant. The address is on 18, Place du Marché Saint Honoré c very closed to Metro Hotel de Ville on Line 1. so We meet there at 12h00 infact I bit late because small raining and wait metro about 10 minutes because on sunday metro is not like working day every 5 minutes.

I arrivé at 12h30, and I called him after reach Hotel de Ville, and we just walk about 3 minutes we arrive on the Bulongarie. we have wait a bit because all the place are full, and finaly we got the place outside, is a bit cold because the weather changing all the time, even this summer but sometimes cloudy dan windy? this I called cold summer hahahhaha too bad with this weather can't go to paris plage, no body will "berjemur" a long the seine river, oh ya Paris Plage is Artificial Beach, they put some sand along the seine river and make environment like you are in front of beach, but that's pariesien make artificial just to make cheap rarther go to the real beach, in breetagny or nice. but this already since long time ago is some kind of touristm interesting agenda in each summer.

back to the bread store, we order main menu on that restaurant and some additional drink, like juice and dejarling tea with youghourt package. the main menu is include bread once again french bread, even bit taft but finally I like it, also we order salad with salmon. we have wait for sometimes because I can saw there is some customer and I saw there is some Qeue waiting for the table.

upss our food arrive and they have speciality for Jam, we can took anything all the jam and chocolate, it is very nice original and nature, I will buy this when I will back for vacation because they also sale the jam, chocolate, etc. I forget this bread store are originally from Belgium but the have several branch in many country but not yet in Jakarta hehehe.The price for this branch is very rasionable for both les than 30€

after finish, michael asked me to discovering some place in paris not far from this area, we visiti some places like jewish places area and some museum, and he stop by in olivier and Co, this store are selling everything from olive, you can have olive oil, savon, cream for skin , salad, cake, or even cuissine from olive wood, the price product is around 10 - 25 €, is very good stuff for souvenir, and

we also visit the tea shop, I am forget the name but you can find all tea from anywhere arabic tea, chinesse tea, green tea and all tea pot are very nice, beautiful.

afte that we go to Bibliotheque national de François Mitterrand, in paris 13th arrondisment, is new building and and very nice place to hang out because in front of the building you can see on stair up to the top building and see another side of seine river, east part of paris. We enter inside the builidng and you can read the book for 3€ for one day, or member for year for 30€ and 15€ for student, this building are very big building with plenty of book and video and audio, this can be good place for the weekend, is a quite nice and not even expensive. I am not saw so many student because this is summer holiday for student. in the other side of the buiding we visit the cinema, this cinema have 24 studio, is that big isn't ??. there is one trick to watch sinema cheaper than normal way, normal way is 10€ for see one sinema, but you can buy ticket for sinema is about 40 € for 6 times visit and valid for 6 month, is a good for student. but this ticket we can buy too so is one advantage..

we visited some stores in that builiding are sell DVD, oh my good the price is crazy, the soldes or sale is 5€ most is not recognized movie, and the cheap one is 19.90€ upt to 75€ for movie with 2 or 3 DVD. crazy.... unlicensed DVD or DVD9 in Kuala Lumpur or Jakarta is only less than 1€ good quality and brand new with new movie ahahahahha pirated VDV on our country is more crazy hehehe

then we go back to the rue de rivoli, one of the famous place because there is Museé de Louvre, I still not yet enter this museum because always have a lot of people waiting during this summer, may be next time when my family visiting me,

So we visit the book store this time and they selling a lot of English book, hahahah I am supose buy the book normally I should buy French book but too bad my french not good enouogh to understand what written on the book, in fact I aml bought some book about french culture but writtern in English is more easy for mt to understand french culture. the title is " French or Foe" by Polly Platt is one of famous book for foreigner are living in france. and Michael buy book French Chesses, I asked him is strange for you to buy this book ???, he told me ah I buy this for you even you told me you have experience with french chees, wow I was supprise thank for the Gift, Thank anyway

finally we discovering magazine sections, he not buy anaything just saw some models wathcing and buy model magazine, he told me this a good place to see a model live hahahahha, yes you can't affordable this Michael is to expensive for your life hahaha, he arguing with me, if I am lucky I can have it, ok if you are lucky I wish that ;)

we are back and he drop me in Maison de la radio france, because he will cross Seine river to 15th and I just walk to my apartment...reading new boook with norah Jones on my PC sing a song and with my best friend a cup of tea, dejarling tea....., with litte mint a secret receipt from my Malek wife.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

perjalanan ke Marseille

so, finally i was not able to manage the story about travelling to marseille it was two weeks ago but I am very busy and don't

have time to write in my blogs;

I got called from my Chief, his in Marseille and his very happy I could visit him, because he not have a lot vacation he will back soon to Kuala.

so I aggree to visit him with confition, If I could get the ticket.

the next day, aku cari info how to go there, well pada dasarnya kita bisa ke Marseille dengan pesawat atau TGV, kalau di Air France ada over utk pergi ke Marseille PP dengan hanya 100 - 120 €. yaa cuman masalahnya ngga bisa ke sana pas weekend akhirnya aku putusin naik TGV, this opportunities nyobain kereta listrik cepat di europa

aku pernah punya cita-cita naik ini, alhamdulillah kesampean juga. the fastest way to get ticket bisa access www.sncf.fr, ini kayak PJKA di indonesia; kita beli ticket Online

wah kalau ini bisa di lakukan di indonesia aku yakin para calo pada melongo hahaha.

basicly sama kayak semua ticketting online, kita tentuin jadwal dan jam, kemudian kita bayar dengan credit card atau ATM ( carte de bleu ) untuk beli ticket online ini,

cuman masalahnya waktu itu aku belum punya ATM atau credit card, akhirnya aku buat deal dengan temanku untuk gunain credit card dia dan aku kasih cash uang nya

kedia, and François setuju, akhirnya aku dapat confirmation ticketnya lewat email dalam bentuk PDF tertulis nama dan tujuan, jam serta nomor kereta, cuma selebar kertas

dengan complete bar code. aku sedikit ngga yakin dengan ini sampai aku nanya berkali-kali dan temenku bilang yes, it should work with that, c'est tout.

system ini canggih bener2 bisa ngilangin calo dan antrian di gambir hehehe.


hari jumat aku pulang agak cepet sekitar jam 4 sore padahal kereta terakhir yg tujuan marseille jam 19.20, tapi karena ini first time I should prepare and see the situation, dari office spt biasa naik buse ke pont de sévres terus naik metro line 9 dan stop di stasiun Franklin D Roosevelt terus ganti metro line 1 ke Gare de Lyon, di sini ternyata salah satu dari beberapa stasiun TGV lumayan gede banget dan banyak orang karena weekend banyak yang PJKA juga disini alias Pulang Jumat Kembali Ahad, dan setiap ada jadwal yang datang selalu orang menuju ke TGV, in fact kita bisa beli juga ticket ddari automatic machine just last minute before you go, cuma biasanya kalau kita take in advance jadwal misalnya beli over internet bisa dapat ticket lebih murah 20% dari harga normal, misalnya masih di indonesia terus mau travelling ke France bisa online order dari jauh-jauh hari dengan konsekwensi tiketnya non refundable.

karena masih ngga yakin denga tiket kertas tadi aku tanya ke officer disana dan dia bilang this OK, not happy with her answer because she english not good and my Francais also bad, aku nanya ke beberapa petugas sampai ada yang speak english better than the other, he said this absolutely right ticket cause you bought from internet and this valid ticket, donc c'est clear. merci monsieur, je comprix.

Ini photo special buat carlos francis

setelah nunggu beberapa sampe pegel akhirnya kereta aku datang dan berada di line yellow artinya aku harus ke bagian lain dari stasiun Gare de Lyon, gila kayak lebaran di indonesia karena banyak orang pulang untuk weekend dan ini musim liburan jadi banyak anak2 sekolah dari luar paris datang ke paris untuk liat menara eiffel heheheheh norak juga yaa kayak kita mungkin ada beberapa diantara kita belum naik ke monas hahahahhahaha kalau ngga salah terakhir ke monas SD, anaku Khansa aja lebih tahu KL tower dari pada monas, karena terus terang emang di belum pernah ke Monas, next time deh kalau aku cuti aku ajak dia ke monas to be proud with what we have that I our founding father also can create good monumen, event not enough because now the people are running to create new Mall,

setelah naik kerete dan nemu tempat duduk ngga lama kereta jalan, oh ya kereta ini ada dua level kalau ngga salah di tingkat atas kelas 1, cuma kalau liat ngga banya bedanya antara kelas satu dan kelas dua cuman untuk kelas 1 jarak untuk kaki lebih panjang jadi lebih enak aja, anyway this OK only 3 jam saja untuk jarak 800KM more less sama dengan jakarta surabaya dan selama naik kereta ngga berisik sama sekali dan cukup nyaman perjalanan cukup mulus. cuman sayang utk ticket lebih dari 65€ segelas air pun ngga ada, heheheheh tapi kita bisa beli makanan atau minuman di restorasi dengan harga yang cukup mahal, dan disini restorasi ngga jalan2, cukup kita yang datang kalau kita perlu and is emporter alias take away. karena aku udah beli minum dan sandwich is Ok for 3 hours, lumayan bisa istirahat nyaman kog TGVnya.

akhirnya sampe di marseille jam 11.30 sekitar 10 menit sebelumnya Malek Call and mention he will pickup me in station, and i few 15 minutes after arrive in Marseille his come with his Smile heheheh, I didn't saw him since last year, I left Malaysia.

so his driving to his house and he completely lost Marseille his like foreigner is his home town, he said Marseille changed a lot, finaly we arrive in his house and at the time he had some friend for small dinner, and his wife gave me marrocaine sup, it is very nice and we talk a lot until finaly we notice that is already 2 am, and we go for sleep, during the chat his wife serving me Mint Tea, speaciality for Marroc, she also told me how to make this tea, is very nice tea really nice, thank for the tea Sadia, it's very good tea, I will try your receipt sometimes.

Vieux port

in the morning Malek asked me to go with him to service center to change oil for the car, after change the oil, he took me to some place in marseille like museum zoological and some place like vieux port, its very nice, and we cross the tunnel under the sea to go one place; is market the biggest market in Marseille when you can find anything and I found a lot halal food, specially beef halal, wow Marseille is feel like at home, is not easy to find halal food in Paris, so he bring me some sosis and marquez ( sosis for algerian / arabic country ), thank Chief for your kind and attention.

me at zoological museum

we back to home and stop to buy th french bread, the good one is called bannete, in fact his right the bread is different, so finally we do barceque and during that barbecque we discuss about cheeses because there so many cheeses, and I learn a lot about cheeses,

in the night we visit some place in marseille, is very nice place very different compare with paris, from the building and architec complete different, you feel like in mediteranian country rather feel in france he;eheheh;he, infact I would like stay in marseille longer than for weekend but I have many things todo in Paris, but for sure I will visit Marseille sometimes, so he also invite me to have some dinner in vieux port and I choose La bouyabase, special food from marseille, disini orang lebih suka makan ikan dari pada daging atau porc, karena ikan mudah didapat disini.

Jembatan membelah Karang

mediteraniean sea

Malek avec Sabry

in the night we visit some place in marseille, is very nice place very different compare with paris, from the building and architec complete different, you feel like in mediteranian country rather feel in france he;eheheh;he, infact I would like stay in marseille longer than for weekend but I have many things todo in Paris, but for sure I will visit Marseille sometimes, so he also invite me to have some dinner in vieux port and I choose La bouyabase, special food from marseille, disini orang lebih suka makan ikan dari pada daging atau porc, karena ikan mudah didapat disini.

so it's very nice weekend, thank a lot for very good weekend boss and your hospitality. wish you allways happy, have good life and success in your carrier, may Allah bless you and your family