First day come to office
I took train from station Dupliex and stop in Trocadéro and switch to Pont De Sèvres and from this point advanture begin. I tok Bus 291 to Velizy
is take about 20 minutes. I have no idea where Alcatel office, so all the way I keep watching then finaly I saw Alcatel le bois.
Aku turun dan ikutin arah panah... koq ngga nemu-2 yaa... waduh, terus aku nanya aja sama orang, Madame est ce vous avez parle anglais, dia bilang
non. wah gawat... francois aku kan belum bagus banget, akhirnya aku make bahasa tarzan , kasih tahu aja logo nya alcatel, dia ah d'accord alcatel
terus dia tunjukin a droit, a droit ... maksudnya kanan, terus kanan lagi. aku bilang Merci bien Madame. terus aku ikutin aja dan akhirnya lewat satu
blok dan belok kanan terus belok kanan yang kedua, karena ini daerah industri satu blok nya yaa kira-kira 4KM karena aku keliling kira-2 kebayangkan tuch
akhirnya aku pikir wah tuch madame pasti salah kasih info. didepan pabrik pegout aku tanya untung yang ini tahu, cuman for make sure finaly I make call
I called my boss, he not pickup the phone, may be he is driving, I call Francky his on rushing in airport, I call sandrine voice mail, Chamond same thing.
Finalyy I called my Chief, Malek... wow his happy to help and famous world from him, "C'est normal" if you lost in Velizy.

terus I told where my position in front of Sun System office, he will check and call me in a minute, right after he called and told that I am in the right
direction, from Sun System just follow the way,Thanks chief.
Infact it was the bus stop when I am stop before, my mistake is from bus stop I am go to the right normaly I shoud go to the left and you can see alcatel office
very big building.
I am register to front office and she give me a pass for temporary, and she call Laurent Picot, Laurent come and pickup me to new office, he saw me all the platform
and application platform 2.5G - 3G - HSDPA and some application is server, server, and server.
Finaly we reach our office and Michael tadault was there we have some discussion and he asked me to go to get Badge, without this you can not go in or out from building
very secure yea...
all the way to take the Badge, he introduce me with a lot of people from the team. and we arrive at photo section for Badge, they took my picture. and by mistake the
operator make wrong type my Last name become SETEIAJI. hugh... . Michael was complain about this and the operator insist he can't change this anyway that simple example
need be patient on this :-D

after got this I went to HR Mobility Director, and Michael leaving for some meeting, It was pleasure discuss with Patricia, she prepare everything for contract, sosial
security insurance, medical visit, and french course offcourse, for time being until I don't have sosicial security card for hospital and medical, she will provide me
full insurance event I should pay first then will be reimsbust, I hope I am not getting sick here, is very expensive. the last but the least she arangge time with property
agent. and right after she arrange Madame Beatrice called me and asked appointment and we are agree to meet-up 8.30 pm in my hotel loby.
after that, I go back to my office and I meet some people form out team, I meet olfa, christien, jean-michael, and some people I can't remember all the name but they very
ah it's luch time....
ternyata not easy et all for eat, kita haru beli voucher per month dan semua harus jadi member dan member ini berdasrkan Badge tadi.jadi kalau visitor harus bei ticket
karena aku belum teregister di makan siang system ha.hahha aku terpaksa beli tiket seharga 6.8 euro ini udah bisa makan dapat 2 makan pembuka, main course dan desert plus
eau atau air minum.
cukup ribet tapi intersting to know, eh pas makan siang I meet Linshu, she is IN engineer we meet up in Brunei and Kuala Lumpur last time, and we have small chat but she join
back with all chinesse member ;) aku akhirnya ketemu nasi, nasinya di campur denga poisson atau Ikan dan terong wah ngga tahu namanya apa :-D
after lunch aku pergi lagi dengan boss ketemu big boss, dalam perjalana ke kantor big boss aku ketemu chamond playboy dari KL terus kenalan dengan temen chamond dan ketemu sama
G fausten, aku udah lama email-2an sama dia tapi baru kali ini ketemu sama juga tadi ketemu sama nicolas millet, dan aku ketemu banyak orang yang aku kenal ha.ha..a sampe Michael
wah seharusnya aku ngga usah kenalin sama semua orang kamu udah kenal beberapa diantaranya, ha.ha.haha
kalaumasih inget kemarin aku beli minum evian 2 euro di Eiffel tower, ternyata di mesin di kantor cuman 80 cent gila murah banget, for your info air minum disini kudu beli sendiri
kalau di kantor di jakarta mau minum se galon juga ngga apa-2 asal kuat, disini yang free adalah Coffee :-))
jam4 mata udah sepet banget dan belum banyak kerjaan yang harus aku buat, tadi jam 3 aku ada meeting sama boss soal organisasi dan apa yang bakal aku kerjaan terlebih dahulu
dia pointed aku ke security system dan NGN wah asik banyak belajar nich.
jam 7 kurang aku pulang krn ada janji dengan beatrice eh ketemu sama zitta, ternyata dia sekarang tinggal di pont the serves. yaa udah kita ngobrol sebentar dan janjian makan siang
di kantin. aku sampe di hotel ngga jam 8.20 ngga lama Madame beatrice datang dan kita discuss mengenai apartment apa yang aku mau, aku minta di kasih beberpa pilihan studio dan 1 bed room
and 1 living room plus how much the cost. untuk yang terakhir sekitar 1400 eu /month udah include dengan telepon, electricity, ADSL,maintenance dan insurance satu tahun api di cicil per month
sementara dia akan siapkan beberpa apartment dan nani aku pilih studio atau 1 bed with 1 living rooom kalau studio starting dari 800 nanti lah kita liat dia akan ajak aku survey hari jumat
jam 5, dia juga mita passport aku untuk buatin bank account dan credit card, karena dengan adanya bank account dan credit card aku bisa sewa apartment. oh ya aku minta sama dia yang modern type
dan simple aja aku suka yang minimalis, ada washing machine, ada heater dan kalau bisa dekat dengan taman, ini penting jadi bisa dapat udara sejuk dan bisa main-2 taman, kalau Khansa sama rafi
datang kesini kan enak tuh bisa main-main ditaman.
dah dulu yaa.. ngantuk..............