buy the pictures to donate eartquake victim in Yogjakarta
Indonesian Student in Paris is one of the most active organization from Indonesian community in France, I remember it was two years ago when people who live in Aceh had Tsunami disaster the organization are react and did something to react and taking care to collect the donation from France people I was not here at the time but I heard is sending quite a lot of money to help Aceh people.
And few month ago once Yogjakarta had earthquake the team was react and doing something to find donation, and at this time they are doing charity events called "le marche javanais", and they invite people to come and to enjoy traditional Javaneses Dance, music, etc. And the things was very impress me that some of them who dance and play a traditional music are not Indonesian, they are local people who learn our tradition. And the money we got from selling ticket and some food and goodies we are sending to elementary school "SDN PETIR 2 SRI MARTANI di Bantul Dusun Petir Kelurahan Sri Martani Kec Piyungan" hope the money we are collected can help to renovated the school but I am sure will not enough since the school was completely damage, the total money we had sent to them about 1,166.70 EURO.

If any one of you are interested to buy my picture to do donation please contact me, all the money will be donate 1oo% for help school in Bantul.
I am really happy that Indonesian student are always remember their country, their family when they are have a problem, event I am not student I also happy to help them to take some picture from my gear and I am happy if I can also help people who need our help.
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