Saturday, September 30, 2006

Puasa ke dua di paris

Sebenarnya pengen meng-update blog, karena banyak ide yang mau di tumpahkan, tapi sayang waktu banyak terpakai di kantor. Ini adalah Puasa Ramadan kedua di Paris, Tahun kemarin pun saya melakukan puasa di sini, Insya Allah tahun ini bisa genap seperti tahun kemarin. Oh ya Subuh disini makin siang sekitar jam 06.03 AM, dan magrib jam 7.38 PM . Cuaca juga lumayan nyaman sekitar 15 sampai 21 derajat, karena sekarang udah mulai musim semi.

Temen2 disini suka ngumpul bareng bikin acara buka puasa bersama dari satu tempat ke tempat lain, terutama yang pelajar disini, jadi tiap hari keliling, dan biasanya setiap sabtu sore ada acara buka puasa bersama di KBRI, terus di lanjutkan dengan taraweh, ini kegiatan rutin bertahun-tahun. Bagus juga sich jadi paling ngga bisa ketemu dengan warga negara Indonesia yang lain.

Kemarin sempat bikin Kolak ubi dan pisang, dan teryata kolaknya laku keras, habis!., cuman kangen aja sich dengan tempe goreng atau mendoan bikinan nyokap, biasanya kalau buka makan kurma, terus di lanjutkan dengan makan tempe goreng dengan cabe rawit plus minum teh manis hangat rasanya mantab, setelah itu baru kolak atau asinan. Wah bulana puasa kalau di jakarta jadi tambah gendut, maklumlah camilannya banyak banget. kalau disini yaa secukupnya atau seadanya aja, selain ngga ada waktu buat masak, juga harga nya kelewat mahal, kemarin beli pisang tanduk 3 biji aja habis 2 Euro, terus ubi habis 1.5 euro, Blewah 1.5 Euro plus gula merah, santan kara, habis deh hampir 7 euro. kebayang kan kalau duit segitu di bikinin kolak, rasanya cukup buat 60 orang tuch. Tapi yaa mau gimana lagi, walaupun mahal kadang di lakonin juga.

Puasa disini bukan hal ringan karena anda kan tahu sendiri, walaupun banyak orang yang beragama Islam, yang beragama lain jumlahnya lebih besar, jadi memang tidak mudah, suasananya akan beda dengan suasana di Indonesia, pokoknya beda banget. Yang cukup berat disini yaa menahan godaan terutama mata, karena walaupun udah mulai dingin masih banyak di metro atau di bus yang berpakaian sangat sexy, atau bahkan yang asik peluk cium di depan umum, kalau di Indonesia mungkin sudah kena RUU APP, tapi itulah, kadang suka risih juga melihatnya cuman gimana lagi namanya juga kulture nya mereka, paling yang ada memalingkan mata atau pindah tempat duduk. Gitu juga dengan Iklan2 porno di kiosk2 penjual majalah, atau di halte bus, iklan pakain dalam wanita selalu berganti setiap minggu di halte bus dari berbagai merek terkenal, dan menggunakan model yang sexy, wah kasihan banget wanita ter-eksploitasi sekali.

ya, gitulah semoga ini bisa jadi pelajaran untuk memperkuat iman, karena memang godaannya luar biasa beratnya, semoga kita semua selalu dalam lindungannya dan puasa kita di terima di sisi Allah SWT.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Anger, everyone have this....?

Anger, is part of human being, every person have this, person time to time have sadness, jelousy, happiness and anger, is about feeling, is about emotion, according to definition of anger.

"Anger is an emotional response to a grievance; real or imagined; past, present or future, based on the perception of the angry person. Rage is extreme anger whether overtly expressed or repressed.

Anger is often based on the perception of threat and it is a frequent emotional component in the Fight or flight response, which is part of the broader stress response.

Anger may be seem "provoked" (or triggered) by perceived threats, like conflict, or by abstract concepts such as injustice, humiliation and betrayal among others."

According to definition this is exactly extremely right, why people becoming angry, I am sure everybody was or still in this situation will 100% sure that the definition is right. You don't to keep your anger in your live and you should transfer it to some activities to release or reduce the emotion, but sometimes people couldn't because is already huge, sometimes we can't stand to keep the this emotion, and if it is blow up, for sure will be big a problem. Managing anger is not easy specially when you in the position where you have had big pressured and problem in the same times, sometime the problem are come to you, in-fact is not exactly a problem because sometimes is just matter of perception. For some people small problem can be big problem because not able to look from other prespective, or the problem growing to fast.

then the question is, how to look the problem from another perspective to reduced the anger, the answer is being positive !!

and how to be positive, always think in positive mode, read everything in positive way, never closed with narrow minded people/ negative people, keep smile even you are not happy, breath deeply when you have the problem in front of you and for sure have do a lot of istigfhar, passion and believe that all the problem can be solved without created a new problem.

one thing is also important, share the problem you have with some one you know, talk and share to them, because sometimes when you talk, you just empty an anger in your mind/soul, and never ever bring the problem from office to home or the other a way around.

let's put the glass down. is great article, I had copy from internet, is not new but could be useful.

A lecturer was giving a lecture to his student on stress management. He raised a glass of water and asked the audience, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?"
The students' answers ranged from 20g to 500gm.

"It does not matter on the absolute weight. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is Ok.
If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm.
If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance."
It is the exact same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes.
If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier.
What you have to do is to put the glass down, rest for a while before holding it up again.
We have to put down the burden periodically, so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on.

So before you return home from work tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it back home. You can pick it up tomorrow.
Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can.
Pick it up again later when you have rested.
Rest and relax.

Life is short, enjoy it!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Marhaban yaa Ramadhan

Marhaban yaa Ramadhan... mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan, semoga ALLAH SWT senantiasa melimpahkan rahmat,hidayah,Rizky and Barokah -Nya kepada kita semua untuk menjalani ibadah dibulan yang penuh berkah ini.. amien

Sound of Music

I know you are missing of me, and you was sad when heard this song last night, I wanna go home soon, I miss you so much my love.

I'm remember all the lyrics, once I'm home we will sing the song together. Be Good girl OK.

Papa always remember you.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

First time side job, as photographer.

I have some Indonesian friends here are living in Paris, they are student. Yesterday the friend of mine asked me to help to take some pictures, since she know that I like hunting a pictures. Yes actually I like to take picture just for hobbies, to kill the time during week-end. She's is studying in Marketing Communication and one of her subject is adverstiment, after had a phone call the day before we are agreed to have an appointment Saturday afternoon in Metro Louvre rivoli.
She has list of the boutiques in 1st Arrondissment as the target of her research, the idea is to take a picture of the display in front of boutique, because of the display sometimes we are interesting to see the boutique and eventhough sometimes we bought the product even we never plan to buy it. This the reason why, display is very important and I just realized that there is special study also for this job.

We start from Rue Rivoli, but some data are not valid the boutique was changed or moved, and we can't get the good situation because during the time there is a demonstration and lots of people come to the street, I will tell you about this story letter on.

Then We start from Rue Saint Honore, as you might know that all the long of this street is full of the very class and expensive boutique, the place of people who like to spent money to follow the mode.

So visit boutique one by one of the did window shopping, have look inside the store and we are acting as tourist, since we had Asian face qnd we are speaking English they think we are really tourist, look the price, asked the brochure, she is very good to get information what she is looking for, during the day we have some difficulties to take a picture in the display because, there is security guard. So we decided to visit all the store and take a display picture during the night. for me this is very challenging because take a picture in the night without flash, is not so easy to checking the ISO and try to finf the object with limited light, but look the result is not that bad isn't.

After we walked all the way long in Rue Saint Honore, if not wrong is about more than 5 KM, we decided to take some break and we plan to have dinner and I called her boy friend to join, he can't join during the day because he should finish thesis, he plan to finish the study next month. Then we meet in Place de la concorde and we have decided to eat "fake"Japanese food. We don't really care about the taste because all of us is very hungry, just in the minute all the food are left from the table.

After we had nice dinner, we continue our work and I'm finished to take more than 100 pictures, and during the work, they realy enjoy Paris in the night, it is wonderful, even special when you are falling in love, walk together hold a hand each other, this a one of the romantic place in the world, and is very romantic moment, I'm sure they are very lucky couples, me, just happy to saw them happy, I took some pictures of them, but I will not publish here, I let my camera become the withness of they are love. Wish you good luck and good night.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

2 Bulan 15 hari tanpa TV

Televisi, saat ini merupakan salah satu kebutuhan rumah tangga, hampir di setiap rumah ada Televisi, selain sebagai sarana hiburan sekaligus juga sarana informasi. Memang ini seperti sebuah mata pisau yang sangat tipis perbedaanya antara keuntungan dan kerugian menonton TV.

Mengikuti perkembangan per-televesian di tanah air, rasanya memang banyak orang yang sudah muak dengan tayangan televisi di sana yang isinya gossip, kekerasaan, exploitasi dan pembodohan, walaupun dalam hal yang lain berita yang baik dan bermanfaat juga masih ada. Kekesalan Penonton kelihatannya sudah sampai pada titik nadir, sampai ada anjuran mem-boikot TV selama sehari. Ini saya dapat dari milist atau yang menghimbau di blogs atau personal page beberapa temen yang saya kenal di dunia maya.

Protes ke penyelenggara siaran dengan melakukan boikot, rasanya koq kurang effektif yaa, karena dari setahun cuman satu hari untuk tidak nonton TV. Sedangkan 235 hari yang lainnya kita masih asyik pencet sana, pencet sini, dan menghabiskan waktu di depan TV, lalu dimana efektifitasnya. Saya bukannya tidak setuju dengan ajakan untuk tidak menyalakan TV satu hari cuma saya hanya mempertanyakan diri saya sendiri secara objective apa itu efektik?, kalau memang mau, beranikah anda untuk tidak menyalakan TV selama satu bulan atau bahkan menjual TV yang ada dirumah. Saya sudah melakukannya jadi selama 2 Bulan 15 hari tidak menyalakan TV sama sekali, suatu rekor yang buat saya pribadi cukup lumayan. Mungkin ada yang beranggapan, "wah nanti kurang informasi donk kalau ngga nonton TV", Rasanya tidak juga tuch, malah dengan menonton TV saya akan banyak kehilangan informasi karena asik dengan satu acara atau pindah dari satu acara ke acara yang lain. Bisa anda bayangkan, channel TV di tempat saya ada 400 lebih channel, dari total tersebut 60% gratis dan selebihnya berbayar. Supaya tidak ketinggalan informasi banyak sekali caranya, bisa lewat internet, subcribe rss feed dari website berita yang anda sukai, bisa juga dengan podcast news, atau membaca koran gratis pagi hari selama di Metro atau di Bus. Terus kalau mau hiburan bisa nonton Movie di cinema atau Sewa DVD / beli DVD second mulai 60 cent sampai 2 euro or kalau mau ngirit lagi pinjem sama perpustakaan.

Jadi cara yang paling efektif adalah membatasi diri untuk melihat acara TV, atau kita benar-benar memfilter dan menerapkan aturan dalam keluarga dalam soal menonton TV, Jadi sebenarnya tidak sulit untuk menghindar dari tontonan yang ngga bermutu karena filternya adalah diri kita sendiri.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Broaden my life, again and again

Today, I had changed my office for whole week, cause I have to attend training course. I have to went out from home early because the class will started at am, even though I lived in Paris but I'm never been in HQ office in Paris, where most of our executive director used to work here, that a reason to I have to come early, I am afraid getting lost again in Paris ;).

fortunently the office is one direction with my place, it took about 15 Minutes by metro and I'm arrived not far from the office, I called one of my colleagues who will also attend the class, he was there and we meet at front office.

The training was awesome, fully compressed training and straight forward with English native speaker, What have been explained with the teacher is normally what I always did in day to day jobs. Now, I do understand the theory behind, is a lot of theoretical bit confusing but I have to learn it and I am sure this will help me to pass the test to get International certification, well this is just a beginnings, Currently I'm in progress.

After the class finished at 18.00 PM, we left the office and I found that, the weather is really wonderful, bright and clear. My colleagues was asked me to take some coffee before we left, I said OK, that's fine since to early for me to go home, well we spent about 15 minutes and he should leave because he will pick-up his has to pick-up the kids, then I walked through to the closed metro, but in a second I had changed my mind, well I have to enjoy the afternoon in Paris during working day, in fact the office is not so far from Champs elysee, so just walked for 5 minutes I arrived there. I spent the time to see peoples walking, some nice store, traffic jam, tourist, wow is really different.

Any way is really beautiful day, but OK I couldn't enjoyed to much, I have to go back home because, I need to review some chapters and finished the quiz and exam and read some chapters for tomorrow. This is just only beginning, I need to study very hard, I need to focus and serious on this subject, no exception stick to the aims.

wish me luck, to broaden my life, again and again.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Bravo you passed PMI Exam

This morning during the worked, just splash in my mind... One of my best friend, I call him lelaki buaya darat, Currently his living in Singapore, his a French guy, it was long time a go he was worked in Jakarta and unfortunately I never been work together with him, but he seems to be very like Asian country, he spent more than 10 years in Asia, he was told me in previous live he was Asian, well I don't know I'm not believe on reincarnation. I meet him sometimes a go in Brunei and Malaysia offcourse, is very simpatic person but sometimes dia Gila hahhaa.

I didn't know that he take some vacation in France, because after splash in my mind I pickup the phone and called him in his office in Spore and no answer and I tried called oh his mobile, and he said, hei Dude I am in France, after second he called me back in my mobile. In fact I called him to congratulate him for PMP, because he passed the exam, he told me he was study like a more than orang Gila to pass this. From my understood, this exam is not so easy some people failed several times but he passed it in one shoot.

Bravo O.R

New colleagues, and I just Lucky

Since last three week, it is very hard week, I am so tired but I have to do otherwise someone else will do. I had very important demo project to customer from Switzerland in my office. It was struggle to get some equipment, resources, support, and luckly we made it, the project just outstanding and make customers really happy, thanks God.

During this project, one of my colleagues from our office in Switzerland come to help me, he was help a lot to success this project, because he is the one who know what the customer really want to see.

He made a good job for his last month in the company, he will go to study after this. Well is remind me also to study again, I was quite busy with work and forget a bit about my planning to study to have more graduate. Well I have to think about this again, I guess.

During this short Project, I have learn many things, eventhough this is not the first time for me, I learn more about people behavior from different country, the way of they talk, they think and they attitude, It was not so easy to manage in the beginning with multi culture of work, but with professionalism Finally I can manage it, Thanks God everything is goes well.

colleagues of my mine also invite me to had dinner with the customers, we went to nice place and very expensive restaurant I suppose, This restaurant is full classic and a lot of historical from Louis XXIV one of the King in France history , the restaurant called Cafe Trianon, it was one of the palace for Queen Maire-antoinette in 16 century I guess, and currently is become the hotel and Spa including restaurant as normal in every five star hotel in the world, this restaurant in fact is inside garden of chateau de Versailles one of the huge and nice garden in the world,

Personally If I have to dinner here I would not even pay for the bill. I am sure is very expensive but I just lucky to have dinner here, unfortunately I am not with my Camera, so I can't take some picture of this, but you can see from the link, than you can guess your self how very class this place.

Anyway It has been pleasured work with you dude, hope I can see you again and good luck for your study and keep in touch, I know because you observe my blogs, time to time;)