Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Broaden my life, again and again

Today, I had changed my office for whole week, cause I have to attend training course. I have to went out from home early because the class will started at am, even though I lived in Paris but I'm never been in HQ office in Paris, where most of our executive director used to work here, that a reason to I have to come early, I am afraid getting lost again in Paris ;).

fortunently the office is one direction with my place, it took about 15 Minutes by metro and I'm arrived not far from the office, I called one of my colleagues who will also attend the class, he was there and we meet at front office.

The training was awesome, fully compressed training and straight forward with English native speaker, What have been explained with the teacher is normally what I always did in day to day jobs. Now, I do understand the theory behind, is a lot of theoretical bit confusing but I have to learn it and I am sure this will help me to pass the test to get International certification, well this is just a beginnings, Currently I'm in progress.

After the class finished at 18.00 PM, we left the office and I found that, the weather is really wonderful, bright and clear. My colleagues was asked me to take some coffee before we left, I said OK, that's fine since to early for me to go home, well we spent about 15 minutes and he should leave because he will pick-up his has to pick-up the kids, then I walked through to the closed metro, but in a second I had changed my mind, well I have to enjoy the afternoon in Paris during working day, in fact the office is not so far from Champs elysee, so just walked for 5 minutes I arrived there. I spent the time to see peoples walking, some nice store, traffic jam, tourist, wow is really different.

Any way is really beautiful day, but OK I couldn't enjoyed to much, I have to go back home because, I need to review some chapters and finished the quiz and exam and read some chapters for tomorrow. This is just only beginning, I need to study very hard, I need to focus and serious on this subject, no exception stick to the aims.

wish me luck, to broaden my life, again and again.

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