Thursday, December 29, 2005

Semoga cepet sembuh

Beberapa hari yang lalu dapat kabar kalau Ibu mertua sakit, tekanan darahnya naik samapi 240
jadi terpaksa harus di rawat di RS, udah beberapa hari ini masih cukup tinggi, terakhir aku telpon katanya masih 190, semoga cepet sembuh ya, Eyang, biar bisa main sama Khansa dan Rafi lagi.

Doa kan cepet sembuh yaa

Friday, December 23, 2005

Bakwan Goreng...

Masih inget kan, kalau beberapa waktu lalu aku bikin bubur kacang ijo, nah terus experiment lagi bikin kecambah.... hehehe berhasil berhasil....hore, bonas diaz....

akhirnya tuch kecambah aku bikin bakwan aja Thank to my sweety wife yang udah bawain bumbu dan tepung bakwan make it life simple , sebenarnya disini bukan ngga ada kecambah atau tauge, ada cuman mesti pergi ke china town di Place d'italy...atau ke supermarket besar waktu kesananya itu yang ngga ada.

selain aku buat bikin bakwan aku bikin juga oseng-oseng kecambah dengan brokoli.... seharusnya kecambah di makan bareng sama soto... Ay*m kayak pas lebaran, Mbah Uti suka bikin, anyway hari ini makan heboh deh. bakwan goreng plus Udang, oseng oseng kecambah , telor dadar sama panggang sepotong daging kambing wusss masukin ke microwave 10 menit mateng....,

wah bisa gendhut lagi nich, tapi ngga apa-apa gendhut lagi selama musim dingin ini, ntar musim panas mari kita makan baguet...lagi biar slim ;)

Yah gitulah, disini emang kudu pandai-pandai survive, masak sendiri, makan sendiri, nyuci sendiri dan yang jelas tidur sendiri hehehhe mana dingin lagi........ ah udah ah koq ngelantur...
wis mau nyuci piring dulu deh...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

She will dancing in the party

I am will not forgeten, today is my Daugther inaguration party, I just called her this morning she is very excited, because toda she will dancing ...

She is not asked me again to come but she is promise to sent me the video... sorry Baby, I couldn't be with you...

I called her, just remain her to be happy and enjoy the party....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Feel like at home....

This morning Weather are not friendly, it was 2 degree in the morning, I am frozen...and a bit lazy to go to office...... out of apartment is raining.... what a good monday... cold, raining.........

arrived in the Pont de sevres station, I miss the bus... well have to wait for another 10 minutes, just a second I found my colleague from other part of my department, is Mostafa... his just join the team month a go... and we have discussion while waiting the bus, finally the bus was arrived and we could get the same seat and we discuss, I asked him where we could find a close mosque... he said he know and very close, he found after his loose some how.... he told me.

he said we could go to pray dhuzur together after lunch, I said OK..

lunch time we went together to canteen and after that we went out to mosque, the weather still not good et all, very cold..... from office we should walk a bit to bus stop and took bus 390, it around 5 - 7 Km from my office. Thank to Allah SWT that is the close of your home... because normaly I should go to 20Km or sometime went to KBRI in Paris...

We Shalat berjamaah, there more than 30 person in the mosque, most of them from arabian or magreb... only me are asean face, but they are welcome... we are the same in the name of God the different is amal ibadah....

I do Jamak...for ashar.... finaly the cold weather driven me to see a friend.. with the same believe....and religion..., after pray... I am feeling very happy inside my heart.... there is something different... I am feel like at home.... really deligthful..... so... outside still the frozeen but there is warm inside my heart...... Insya Allah this friday is more easy for me....

I miss my country specially when friday come......... but Insya Allah is not the case next friday because is only 7KM is if I could go to Paris. thank to Allah was gave me this anugrah and Mostafa may Allah bless you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Feeling Guilty

I have called my Daugther through Skype-out, as daily activity at home. She talked me about her plan to Dancing with all the classmate in Dunia Fantasi next Wednesday. I asked her about the dance and custome, she was very excited tell about the Dance and specialy the custome it self in the middle of conversation she asked me to come and see the inaguration.........

This part is not easy to answer honestly, I try to find a nice word and not tell a lie to her, I said I would like to come and see your dance, it's my pleasure....... unfortunely... I couldn't come because I am 11.000 km away from you..... she said, "the party it will be in Wednesday, when you take a flight the day before you will be arrive in the morning and you will see my dance",........she insist...... "like last time when I am sleep in the night, you are huge me.... and I am weakup you are there, I would like to have that dream again", "If last time you can do, now you also can do.........", she is convince me.

I said, "I came last time because it was plan for my vacation, I couldn't come this time because I am not on vacat..................", I am not finished yet she was crying and I heard that she's feeling so sad, I can feel it...............Oh God, what should I say.... I just quit, she'is still crying, I explain to her, to asked Mom to recording by Handycamm the dance party and send it to me the video, so I will see her dance too I said.... but she's still crying, finally my wife try to explain to her about this situation........ Sorry my Baby, I am dispointed you, I was thinking to quit from this job and come back with my family even the consequency I will loose my job......

She is almost Five year in february next year.... and as father I am not give my kids attention.... sometimes I feelt guilty of my self, What I am doing here...... God Please forgive me, I am just care about my self and my career and not take care the family day by day....

I hope this will be temporary situations, hope we can stay together as family very soon......and you could come and stay here or I could come back..., may Allah give us the best way for all of us....., amien

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Nostalgia Kacang ijo

hari ini males kemana-mana, selain diluar dingin emang capek berat dai kemarin otak di peres terus bawaanya jadi kebadan ikutan capek.

Karena laper siang aku masak sambal balado telor... simple banget bikinnya, dan ngga sampe 10 menit udah siap.

terus habis makan juga ngga bisa tidur, malah nonton TV seharian, tahu tahu udah sore, jadi full sehari ngga kemana-mana, mau baca buku juga males otak masih kenceng....

Iseng, iseng ngeliat kacang hijau di kitchen udha lama beli belum sempet masak, kalau ngga salah dari bulan puasa kemarin deh beli ini, cuman baru sekarang mau masak, terus udah beli juga kelapa powder dan gula merah plus kayu manis, jadi lengkap deh

emang kudu sabar juga sich masaknya tapi well done, mantap sekali dingin dingin makan kacang hijau sayang ngga ada ketan hitamnya, jadi inget 12 tahun lalu waktu zaman kost di depok, kalau tengah malam otak lagi beku makan bubur kacang ijo terus hantam dengan indomie sambil angkat kaki deh satu di kursi....... hmmm nostalgia kacang hijau....

sisa kacang hijau, terus iseng iseng cari artikel di internet gimana caranya bikin tauge.... walaupun bisa cari di china town, heheheh ngga ada salahnya bikin sendiri gampang, hmmm kebayang kalau udah jadi bisa bikin bakwan goreng nich...

dah dulu yaa mau makan BBTKI = Bubur Kacang Ijo tanpa Ketan Item.......

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Yesterday I was quite busy with my collagues, we are testing some product for big event next year, my collagues have to go a while to meet his boss, and I am help him to continue to check the product. During the process of the encoding software I am touch a small blackhead in my neck because it was annoying me, the blackhead is very smal and I just press with my finger and clean with tissue, but I am feel strange at the time because i feel something in my neck. I touch with my hand, oh God is my blood..... Bleeding, I was alone in the platform because friday everybody was go back ome very early.

I runing fast to toilet because my hand was fully with the blood, I took a tissue paper from toilete try to press the blood but not stop, i was litte bit panic, I have seen in the mirror that blood is flow like a water.......

I took again the toillete paper with a big roll and press to my neck, I try to not panic and with the paper in my neck I am run to my office to take my jacket to go to clinic, likely my Chief still there, I asked him to call clinic he said still open and and just like few second I catch my jacket and run away to clinic in very cool weather and running and my chief running also with me. my blood still flow, I can feel it...........

in the clinic the last nurse was ready and asked me to go to another room and see asked me to laying in the bed while she preparing tools.

she press the small hole in my neck, and few minutes after that the blood was stop, see clean up with alcohol and put bandage in my neck. she told me remove blackhead should becareful specially when in the artery. Thank God, now is OK, I have seen my shirt half is full blood.

thank also to my chief help me to go to clinic since I am not speak French well to explain the problem to the nurse.

Friday, December 16, 2005

a bit lazy

In-fact I am back to Paris since last two weeks, and very busy with so many stuff, sorry didn't have time for the moment to update this blog. Even back from the office very late and tired to write the story.................... or may be I am lazy..............

It is a lot of thing need to be write it down , Je suis desole, j'aim beacoup de travail maintenant.

will see this week, I will flash back some story from the last 3 weeks.....