Thursday, December 29, 2005

Semoga cepet sembuh

Beberapa hari yang lalu dapat kabar kalau Ibu mertua sakit, tekanan darahnya naik samapi 240
jadi terpaksa harus di rawat di RS, udah beberapa hari ini masih cukup tinggi, terakhir aku telpon katanya masih 190, semoga cepet sembuh ya, Eyang, biar bisa main sama Khansa dan Rafi lagi.

Doa kan cepet sembuh yaa

Friday, December 23, 2005

Bakwan Goreng...

Masih inget kan, kalau beberapa waktu lalu aku bikin bubur kacang ijo, nah terus experiment lagi bikin kecambah.... hehehe berhasil berhasil....hore, bonas diaz....

akhirnya tuch kecambah aku bikin bakwan aja Thank to my sweety wife yang udah bawain bumbu dan tepung bakwan make it life simple , sebenarnya disini bukan ngga ada kecambah atau tauge, ada cuman mesti pergi ke china town di Place d'italy...atau ke supermarket besar waktu kesananya itu yang ngga ada.

selain aku buat bikin bakwan aku bikin juga oseng-oseng kecambah dengan brokoli.... seharusnya kecambah di makan bareng sama soto... Ay*m kayak pas lebaran, Mbah Uti suka bikin, anyway hari ini makan heboh deh. bakwan goreng plus Udang, oseng oseng kecambah , telor dadar sama panggang sepotong daging kambing wusss masukin ke microwave 10 menit mateng....,

wah bisa gendhut lagi nich, tapi ngga apa-apa gendhut lagi selama musim dingin ini, ntar musim panas mari kita makan baguet...lagi biar slim ;)

Yah gitulah, disini emang kudu pandai-pandai survive, masak sendiri, makan sendiri, nyuci sendiri dan yang jelas tidur sendiri hehehhe mana dingin lagi........ ah udah ah koq ngelantur...
wis mau nyuci piring dulu deh...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

She will dancing in the party

I am will not forgeten, today is my Daugther inaguration party, I just called her this morning she is very excited, because toda she will dancing ...

She is not asked me again to come but she is promise to sent me the video... sorry Baby, I couldn't be with you...

I called her, just remain her to be happy and enjoy the party....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Feel like at home....

This morning Weather are not friendly, it was 2 degree in the morning, I am frozen...and a bit lazy to go to office...... out of apartment is raining.... what a good monday... cold, raining.........

arrived in the Pont de sevres station, I miss the bus... well have to wait for another 10 minutes, just a second I found my colleague from other part of my department, is Mostafa... his just join the team month a go... and we have discussion while waiting the bus, finally the bus was arrived and we could get the same seat and we discuss, I asked him where we could find a close mosque... he said he know and very close, he found after his loose some how.... he told me.

he said we could go to pray dhuzur together after lunch, I said OK..

lunch time we went together to canteen and after that we went out to mosque, the weather still not good et all, very cold..... from office we should walk a bit to bus stop and took bus 390, it around 5 - 7 Km from my office. Thank to Allah SWT that is the close of your home... because normaly I should go to 20Km or sometime went to KBRI in Paris...

We Shalat berjamaah, there more than 30 person in the mosque, most of them from arabian or magreb... only me are asean face, but they are welcome... we are the same in the name of God the different is amal ibadah....

I do Jamak...for ashar.... finaly the cold weather driven me to see a friend.. with the same believe....and religion..., after pray... I am feeling very happy inside my heart.... there is something different... I am feel like at home.... really deligthful..... so... outside still the frozeen but there is warm inside my heart...... Insya Allah this friday is more easy for me....

I miss my country specially when friday come......... but Insya Allah is not the case next friday because is only 7KM is if I could go to Paris. thank to Allah was gave me this anugrah and Mostafa may Allah bless you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Feeling Guilty

I have called my Daugther through Skype-out, as daily activity at home. She talked me about her plan to Dancing with all the classmate in Dunia Fantasi next Wednesday. I asked her about the dance and custome, she was very excited tell about the Dance and specialy the custome it self in the middle of conversation she asked me to come and see the inaguration.........

This part is not easy to answer honestly, I try to find a nice word and not tell a lie to her, I said I would like to come and see your dance, it's my pleasure....... unfortunely... I couldn't come because I am 11.000 km away from you..... she said, "the party it will be in Wednesday, when you take a flight the day before you will be arrive in the morning and you will see my dance",........she insist...... "like last time when I am sleep in the night, you are huge me.... and I am weakup you are there, I would like to have that dream again", "If last time you can do, now you also can do.........", she is convince me.

I said, "I came last time because it was plan for my vacation, I couldn't come this time because I am not on vacat..................", I am not finished yet she was crying and I heard that she's feeling so sad, I can feel it...............Oh God, what should I say.... I just quit, she'is still crying, I explain to her, to asked Mom to recording by Handycamm the dance party and send it to me the video, so I will see her dance too I said.... but she's still crying, finally my wife try to explain to her about this situation........ Sorry my Baby, I am dispointed you, I was thinking to quit from this job and come back with my family even the consequency I will loose my job......

She is almost Five year in february next year.... and as father I am not give my kids attention.... sometimes I feelt guilty of my self, What I am doing here...... God Please forgive me, I am just care about my self and my career and not take care the family day by day....

I hope this will be temporary situations, hope we can stay together as family very soon......and you could come and stay here or I could come back..., may Allah give us the best way for all of us....., amien

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Nostalgia Kacang ijo

hari ini males kemana-mana, selain diluar dingin emang capek berat dai kemarin otak di peres terus bawaanya jadi kebadan ikutan capek.

Karena laper siang aku masak sambal balado telor... simple banget bikinnya, dan ngga sampe 10 menit udah siap.

terus habis makan juga ngga bisa tidur, malah nonton TV seharian, tahu tahu udah sore, jadi full sehari ngga kemana-mana, mau baca buku juga males otak masih kenceng....

Iseng, iseng ngeliat kacang hijau di kitchen udha lama beli belum sempet masak, kalau ngga salah dari bulan puasa kemarin deh beli ini, cuman baru sekarang mau masak, terus udah beli juga kelapa powder dan gula merah plus kayu manis, jadi lengkap deh

emang kudu sabar juga sich masaknya tapi well done, mantap sekali dingin dingin makan kacang hijau sayang ngga ada ketan hitamnya, jadi inget 12 tahun lalu waktu zaman kost di depok, kalau tengah malam otak lagi beku makan bubur kacang ijo terus hantam dengan indomie sambil angkat kaki deh satu di kursi....... hmmm nostalgia kacang hijau....

sisa kacang hijau, terus iseng iseng cari artikel di internet gimana caranya bikin tauge.... walaupun bisa cari di china town, heheheh ngga ada salahnya bikin sendiri gampang, hmmm kebayang kalau udah jadi bisa bikin bakwan goreng nich...

dah dulu yaa mau makan BBTKI = Bubur Kacang Ijo tanpa Ketan Item.......

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Yesterday I was quite busy with my collagues, we are testing some product for big event next year, my collagues have to go a while to meet his boss, and I am help him to continue to check the product. During the process of the encoding software I am touch a small blackhead in my neck because it was annoying me, the blackhead is very smal and I just press with my finger and clean with tissue, but I am feel strange at the time because i feel something in my neck. I touch with my hand, oh God is my blood..... Bleeding, I was alone in the platform because friday everybody was go back ome very early.

I runing fast to toilet because my hand was fully with the blood, I took a tissue paper from toilete try to press the blood but not stop, i was litte bit panic, I have seen in the mirror that blood is flow like a water.......

I took again the toillete paper with a big roll and press to my neck, I try to not panic and with the paper in my neck I am run to my office to take my jacket to go to clinic, likely my Chief still there, I asked him to call clinic he said still open and and just like few second I catch my jacket and run away to clinic in very cool weather and running and my chief running also with me. my blood still flow, I can feel it...........

in the clinic the last nurse was ready and asked me to go to another room and see asked me to laying in the bed while she preparing tools.

she press the small hole in my neck, and few minutes after that the blood was stop, see clean up with alcohol and put bandage in my neck. she told me remove blackhead should becareful specially when in the artery. Thank God, now is OK, I have seen my shirt half is full blood.

thank also to my chief help me to go to clinic since I am not speak French well to explain the problem to the nurse.

Friday, December 16, 2005

a bit lazy

In-fact I am back to Paris since last two weeks, and very busy with so many stuff, sorry didn't have time for the moment to update this blog. Even back from the office very late and tired to write the story.................... or may be I am lazy..............

It is a lot of thing need to be write it down , Je suis desole, j'aim beacoup de travail maintenant.

will see this week, I will flash back some story from the last 3 weeks.....

Friday, November 18, 2005

On vacation !!!!

sejak beberapa hari ini Paris dingin sekali, siang tadi sempet sampai -1 derajat celcius, buat aku ini sangat luar biasa, dan pengalaman baru. Hari minggu ini di prediksi akan sampai foggy mungkin akan ada salju di paris, will see is gonna be fun, fortunetly I am not here for a while.

well aku preparing something buat vacation today, I will fly again for 14 hours and distance from Paris around 11.000KM, I will flight tonigth at 23.15 PM Paris time, I am very happy to take this vacation after work some month without long vacation, see kids, wife and family and friends.

I hope will gonna be fun and joyed with friends...... I miss sate kambing bu yanti di perdatam..... sate kambing dan sop betawi di tebet,Nasi goreng pinggir jalan, tahu dan tempe goreng, ikan bakar, sate kikil, nasi uduk, gudeg, ketupat & lontong sayur, Nasi Padang pinggir got, teh botol............

well hope I can keep post about my vacation... a bientot

Friday, November 11, 2005

12 Ways To Handle Emotions Like A Man At Work

By Edward Chalmers

We've all witnessed men who have lost control of their emotions at work, slamming doors, yelling at coworkers or customers, and saying things they'll soon regret. We've seen men who've thrown tantrums at meetings because they've been overruled, their idea has been shot down or someone else has taken credit for their work.

As kids, we were taught to "act like a man" and suppress our feelings, and yet many of our coworkers are committing career suicide by losing control of their emotions at work.

How can we maintain our professionalism and handle emotions like a man? Here are some tips.

1- Take a walk to cool down

During a meeting, when someone insults your management style or criticizes the department you lead, don't react in anger. Remove yourself from the situation as soon as you feel yourself getting hot under the collar. Fake a page or another call to extricate yourself from a non-productive telephone call so you can step outside to calm yourself. Giving yourself time to cool down will help you regain control of your emotions.

2- Ask for clarification before reacting
Stall for time by asking questions. Is your boss asking what time you arrived because he's challenging your integrity or is he trying to start a conversation about the traffic jam on the off-ramp? If need be, repeat what the other person just said. This ensures you understand the comment and gives your colleague or client the opportunity to clarify any miscommunication.

3- Apply the 10-second rule
Ensure you're not overreacting. If you feel your temper flaring on the phone or in a meeting, count to 10 to keep you from losing your cool. Analyze the facts before going on a rant or becoming defensive.

4- Talk to someone who can calm you down

Always have someone to confide in, inside and outside of the office, about your frustrations. Go for a beer together on a regular basis to vent. You cannot keep all your feelings inside, or your health will suffer. Acknowledge and express your emotions appropriately with a close friend, and be prepared to listen whenever he's ready to explode, and both of your careers will benefit.

5- Work out to work off your anger
Don't blow your professional image by letting others see you freak out, pound the desk or scream. Go to the gym instead. Working out will help you release those pent-up emotions.

6- Recognize what ticks you off
Be alert to the types of situations that knock you off-center. If you don't like questions interrupting your presentation, plan how you'll handle any hecklers. Planning a positive way to react will help you defuse your anger before it throws you off. If you know you have a perfectionist, learn how to deal with it so it doesn't hurt your professional image.

Learn how to read your colleagues, and tell yourself to stay calm...

7- Understand your colleagues
Read your colleagues' signals. What initially seems to be a snide comment might be a feeble attempt at humor. By getting to know your coworkers' characters and personalities, you won't be blind-sided when they do or say something that irritates you.

8- Anticipate other people's reactions

When you're proposing a radical new work process or time schedule, you can be fairly certain your employees' first thoughts won't be about the cost savings and increased productivity. Focus on the personal benefits they will experience and you'll keep your own frustration in check. If your boss is constantly critical, anticipate his reactions to problems and proposals, and have persuasive arguments ready to get him on your side.

9- Prepare yourself to stay calm

Anticipate any objections or questions you might face when you're making a presentation, especially ones that might put you in a bad light. Create a backup plan if there's a technical glitch in case your PowerPoint presentation freezes on you. Before going into your Performance Review meeting, have some accomplishments ready to offset any negative feedback, so you don't respond in anger.

10- Wait before writing a strongly worded e-mail
Never disrespect others, even if you're right. It's easy to let contempt, fury or resentment cloud our judgment. Hold that strongly worded business e-mail or letter until the next day and reread it. Ask someone else to proofread any correspondence you think might be surly, condescending or rude.

11- Let go of your anger at the end of each day
Get into the habit of letting go of your anger as you leave work every day. Otherwise it could fester and make you more likely to blow your cool. Focus on doing something you enjoy once you leave the office, whether it's hanging out with friends or watching the game on TV, and leave the stress and emotion behind.

12- Apologize for any emotional outbursts

Despite your best intentions, if you end up erupting in a meeting, criticize a colleague's work or make ill-timed comments that you regret, how can you backpedal without losing face? Apologize immediately to the targeted person and to everyone around who may have heard. You don't need to offer a long-winded explanation of the pressures you were under, the background on the misunderstanding or the reasons you thought you were right. Saying "I reacted badly and I am sorry" will demonstrate your professionalism, integrity and leadership skills.

act like a man and move on

Strong leaders with strong characters will have strong feelings. That doesn't mean you should allow your emotions to control you, cloud your judgment and cause career missteps.

Recognizing the signs that you're getting angry will help you get over it quickly, without anyone noticing. Replacing your negative emotions with self-confidence and maintaining a healthy balance in your life will help you deal with difficult moments. No matter what, don't snap. It takes years to build up a reputation, and only seconds to destroy it.


Thursday, November 10, 2005


Today starting with meeting about product from other partner, it was make a bit bored since last week full meeting day, so even today presentation was interesting but I have to leave because another meeting are waiting.

in fact during the meeting I am doing something as ussualy, replying some email, wow almost 11.00 am as I told you have to attend another meeting, out from the meeting room went out to big hall in the building, bit suprise that I saw many face same as me, anyway i tried to close with te group and say hello, gotcha they speak the same language, and I saw one of collagues from the same company as me, just realized that all the biggest telecommunication bigboss are come o visit Paris,

It's an opportunities to discuss with bapak Dirjen Kopmindo and Pak Garuda Sudargo, CEO of PT. Telkom.... and some of director of PT. Telkom ans staff, I am pretty sure if in our country it will not easily to meet this person, without protocoller and very warm as Indonesiene attitude.
we are discussing about 10 minutes, and I said I have to go for another meeting and also was invited with big boss for meeting too, for your infor that there is no benefit of me about this but I just feel happy that this opportunities come me. to meet this kind people that I couldn't be easily when I am in my country. Thanks God is giving this chance to live out of my country, to learn something about technology, knowlegde, culture, and relation.

oh ya they are come to France for inaguration of new sattelitte for our country will delivered very soon from France to space.........

Space is the limit........ bon chance !!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

ada apa dengan France

Ini sudah hari ke 12 kerusuhan di Sekitar Paris, tepatnya di suburb Paris. Hari Presiden Jacques Chirac, mengumkan jam malam di beberapa tempat di luar Paris dimana terjadi banyak kerusuhan. Kerusuhan terparah dan berawal dari ST Denis, ngga jauh dari Paris. Mudah mudahan sich ngga sampai masuk ke Paris, walaupun beberpa hari yang lalu udah ada rang yang bakar Mobil di daerah Republique.

aku sempet ngobrol-ngobrol sama temen2 disini koq kenapa sich bisa terjadi hal kayak gini, mereka bilang itu adalah orang stupid yang membakar sekolah adik adik mereka, bakar mobil tetangga mereka bahkan rumah atau apartment mereka sendiri mereka bakar.... woowww sebodoh itukah mereka,......

kalau di liat dari tempat dimana terjadi banyak kerusuhan kebanyakan memang di daerah dimana banyak orang Africa dan arab keturunan, tapi mereka semua warna negara perancis, bukan imigrant gelap yang selama ini aku sangka, tapi pemerintah perancis sendiri mengakui ini bukan di gerakan oleh moslem garis keras atau gimana, cuman kebetulan aja orang arab ini mengaku beragama moslem, tapi sebagain yang Franco-Afrique juga beragama non moslem ada, terus kalau bukan masalah agama terus masalah apa donk......???

ngobrol-2 ternyata disini diskriminasi masih tetap ada, kenapa masih ada, ada banyak temen bilang ( saya ngga punya bukti otentik) bahwa kebanyakan mereka yang ngga happy alias yang bakar-bakar ini job less, mereka butuh kerja, sudah lama memang banyak pengguran di sini dan lapangan pekerjaan cukup sedikit yang terbuka, lalu di mana diskriminasinya, gini ada teman yang kebetulan expat dari Netherland yang cerita kalau selama dia disini banyak terima surat lamaran, tapi selalu ngga ada Photo, empty address, bahkan nama, cuman di tulis Monsieur XXX atau Madame YYY, kenapa sich ada banyak orang yang kirim kayak gini, si belanda ini penasaran, setalah di cari tahu kebanyakan orang yang kirim lamaran ini tahu kalau di photonya sudah ada tampang hitam putih atau arab, udah pasti ngga bakal di panggil, terus kalau ngga ada photo dan namanya udah nama arab idem ditto, atau kalau tinggal di distrik dimana banyak komunitas afrique dan arab sama aja. makanya dari pada di tolak di awal banyak orang yang melakukan ini, dan ngga sedikit dari mereka yang punya diploma, yang mereka harapkan di telpon aja udah bagus.

terus teman yang bilang emang sich jumlah lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia sangat sedikit sekali, jadi kebanyakan perusahaan lebih memetingkan yang berkulit putih lebih dahulu walaupun sama sama parler Francais, aku ngga tahu ini temenku bener atau ngga.

memang terlihat sudah beberapa tahun ini banyak perushaan perancis yang menyerap banyak tenaga kerja sudah merelokasi perushaan ke Romania, Chine, atau India, karena biaya produksi disini sangat mahal seiring dengan sangat kuatnya euro terhadap dollar, jadi product - productnya juga harganya ngga kompetitif lag terpaksa lah pindah ke negara lain yang lebih kompetitif, jadi boleh di bilang banyak orang perancis yang ngga happy dengan imigran karena mereka ambil pekerjaan mereka, mereka juga ngga happy dengan China, India , romania gara-2 investor banyak lari kesana dan mereka kehilangan pekerjaan.

temen disini yang kebetulan keturunan arab, pernah bikin joke kayak gini.

banyak orang perancis yang ngga happy karena banyak imigrant yang datang ke sini mengambil roti kami, kata sekumpulan orang perancis ke pada parlemen.

iya jadi roti kami sekarang berkurang karena kami harus berbagi dengan mereka para imgran kata yang lain.

akhirnya para pemimpin parlemen melakukan rapat, dan di setujui untuk mengirim para imigrant ini kembali ke negara asal-nya.

wal hasil sukseslah mereka mempulangkan para imigran ini, mereke happy karena pada akhirny ngga ada lagi yang akan mengambil roti mereka.

semua bersuka cita, bahwa pada akhirnya mereka akan mendapatkan kembali roti yang seharusnya memang untuk mereka.

di tengah kegembiran dan pesta pora, seseorang berkata, celaka...... kita kita bisa akan makan roti....... yang lain berkata lho kenapa kan sekarang tidak ada lagi imigran yang akan ambil roti kita... jangan kuatir roti akan mencukupi buat semua.....

orang tadi berkata, memang benar... kita pulangkan semua imigran, tapi sadarkah anda kita telah memulangkan pembuat roti kita, jadi kalau para imigran ini pergi siapa yang akan membuat roti untuk kita ............

Ya semoga pemerintah disini bisa bijaksana dalam mengambil langkah langkah yang terbaik buat semua, jangan sampai kejadian ini meluas ke mana-mana semoga tragedi mei 1998 di Jakarta ngga terulang disini, masak jauh-jauh ke negri orang koq ketemu dengan kerusuhan lagi sich, semoga semua cepat bisa selesai.......

Thursday, November 03, 2005

selamat hari raya iedulfitri

Taqaballahu minna Wa minkum Wa syiyamana Wa syiyamakum Minal Aidin wal fa''idzin
qullu amin bikhair, Taqabal Ya Kariim,

sedihnya ngga bisa kumpul bareng dengan keluarga, tapi inilah hidup, dalam hidup kita tidak bisa selalu mendapat apa yang sempurna buat kita, bersyukurlah Allah masih memberikan kita karunia dan rahmat serta nikmat sehat, keimanan. adalah segalanya. maafkan ngga bisa pulang kampung dan berlebaran bersama, Insya Allah I will be there soon.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Language is the key ...???

I would like to tell about the story for last trip in shanghai, bit lazzy two write it down about shanghai, for me not really much intersting because all the week is very busy with the work just hotel office, office hotel.

Finaly after strugle in China the mission done with great succesfull and have full support from collagues in France, even very tired I am happy. In the last day we have a good dinner with Chinesse team in one restaurant in down town of Pudong, Shanghai.

In the last day, I went to Fake market in Shanghai with Rama and his wife it was amazing you can find anything here and all is the fake one, from BVLGARI, Gucci, Luis Vitton, all the branded one are here and you could bargain the price, Luckyly Rama's wife can speak chinesse, she is doing study mandarin in one of university in Shanghai, and during the free time she is also doing tourist guide, it's amazing if she is not went out, I am sure I will be lost because taxi driver can't speak english, they only can say "yes", "no" without sure understood what we are saying. is more worse than in French for me, I have always asked to concierge to translate to chinesse character if I would like go somewhere. I learn something essential in China, "if you understand a local languages, you will never lose even you are in the himalaya mountain". Ya language is very important, this is a key to know everything. this is a key to open the door to broaden your life.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Arriver A paris

Direct flight from Pudong,Shanghai airport it take about 12 hours, just arrive this morning at 5.55 at Charles de Gaulle Airport , arrived in apartment at 6.15 am very tired, will telling you letter on about all story in Shanghai... I have to sleep

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Shanghai: Something to discover

I am still in shanghai today, it was very busy since monday but today realized that the big job have been done, Shanghai and France are connected for 3G call, I will tell you about some story once come back to Paris, everything is interesting and you have to discover a new things...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Kaos kaki & Shanghai, Sweet memory

Lagi siap-siap buat trip ke Shangai nanti malam, masukin pakain ke dalam koper check satu persatu, akhirnya terakhir adalah kaos kaki, hmmm aku jadi inget beberapa bulan lalu aku beli kaos kaki ini di Carefour Cempaka Mas, Khansa yang maksa aku ambil kaos kaki itu, padahal aku ngga gitu suka dengan warnanya nya sudah terlalu banyak biru, tapi dia maksa, aku tanya, "kenapa Harus kaos kaki ini, Sha" , dia senyum sambil bilang pokoknya Papa harus pake kaos kaki ini, sambil tersenyum kegirangan karena aku mengalah dan memasukan kaos kaki itu ke dalam keranjang.

waktu terus berlalu, dan aku kembali ingat saat masukin kaos kaki ini hmmm gambar shanghai dan aku akan kesana sebentar lagi, ngga ada relevansi yang penting dari cerita ini, hanya kesan yang amat mendalam terhadap Khansa, dan sikap aku yang berusaha menerima sesuatu yang mungkin kadang kita ngga suka just to be respect to her, aku harus menerimanya just to make her happy,
but I am happy too to go there and because of that I remember a sweet think in my life.

I try to call her, but she is not available, mamanya bilang lagi shalat Taraweh, thanks God was sent me an angel for my life.

Friday, October 21, 2005


A storm may rage in the world below,
It may tear great trees apart;
But here on the mountain top, I know
That it cannot touch my heart.

I have struggled up through the lightning's glare,
I have walked where the cliffs fell sheer
To a gorge below, but I breathed a prayer,
And my soul passed doubt and fear!

Here on the mountain top the air
Is clear as a silver song;
And the sun is warm on my unbound hair;

What though the way was steep and bleak,
And what though the road was hard?
I stand at last on the mountain peak,
With my eyes upraised to God!

A storm may sweep through the world below,
It may rend great rocks apart;
But here on the crest of the world I know
That it cannot touch my heart.

by Margaret E Sangster

Thursday, October 20, 2005

High Risk High Gain

In the life, we will learn a lot of things. I have learned today that what ever you worked very hard and smart to make it happend some people around you will not take any decession to take the risk, with something you have been done, it means that work hard and work smart also is not enough, sometimes you should take decession to take a risk to do it by your self and off-course to convince people to take or to share a risk with you.

Normally the losser will never take any single risk even very small risk. But my understanding is "High Risk is High Gain" and not much people are dare to be......, Any way I have done the best effort and learn that so many people are affraid with the his/her shadows. Well done, I am happy, even the looser are not shown what I have been done, but I'm make it for my self and take a risk for my life. sometimes when you achieve something you will not be happy if some one else are not recognized it that you have done such a big things, just be humble

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts.

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.

For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;

For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

poem by Kahlil GIBRAN

Monday, October 17, 2005

Qualcomm blasts WiMAX lobby

by Grahame Lynch - 13/10/2005 10:41:17
source : Daily News

Qualcomm has launched an astonishing attack on the Wi-MAX fraternity with the allegation that it has not substantiated its technical claims and has wildly under-estimated the costs of wide-area wireless network installation.

In a 32 page white paper released to worldwide telecom media yesterday, Qualcomm marketing EVP Jeff Belk has spectacularly upped the ante in his two year campaign to counter claims and what he says is "misinformation in the marketplace" about the capabilities of WiFi and WiMAX.

You can read the whitepaper for yourself by downloading it at: Or you can watch TelecomTV's recent interview with Mr Belk, in which he dismisses the WiMAX standard.

Belk's key contention is that turn-key WiMAX networks will face exactly the same costs and challenges as 3G networks when it comes to testing, the constraints of frequency wavelength on propagation, costs of tower sites and infrastructure and device availability. But they will lack the advantages of harmonised spectrum, a billion plus installed user base for mobiles and the advantage of rich streams of legacy voice revenues.

And crucially, with WiMAX standards still immature, Mr.Belk claims the major 3G standards have a massive headstart.

Belk is particularly critical of claims that WiMAX may be able to provide throughputs of up to 75Mbit/s at 50km.

"Hanaro Telecom in South Korea installed a massive amount of infrastructure and launched a WiBro (Korean Wi-MAX) network. Did they get 75Mbit/s at 50km? Nope. They got 500kbit/s to 2Mbit/s with cell sizes of 1-2km".

And even if WiMAX can become more technically competitive, Belk points to the limited use of Wi-Fi to suggest that WiMAX may struggle to become significant. He pointed to one of the large national Wi-Fi hotspot providers in the US, which recently claimed it had recorded 64 million minutes of paid use in one month.

"There are over 175 million (mobile) subscribers in the United States at over 750 minutes a month. This means over 127 billion minutes of use per month. We are talking about roughly a 2000-1 ratio here," he said. "So the WiMAX guys have a vague vision about metro coverage and in other areas about rural coverage. There are also vague statements on economies of scale and an intellectual property regime that is different from other wireless technologies."

He added; "However, there is a basic problem in that there has not been any examples of data-only systems being economically viable, and no discussion, if the Wi-MAX guys are going to do voice services, how they are going to penetrate a value chain and wireless ecosystem that will be rapidly approaching a billion units a year by the time the WiMAX guys get their act together. Let alone what frequency these alleged systems will operate at. Or how the standardisation issues get solved".

In its most biting passage, Belk's paper also disputes whether laptop manufacturers will happily incorporate WiMAX chips in their products, as is the hope of WiMAX promoter Intel.

"If you are a laptop manufacturer, you want efficient manufacturing and global service strategies," something, Belk adds, is not possible with mobile Wi-MAX over the next few years because it lacks a road-tested standard, has not been properly trialled for interference issues and works across so many frequency bands that it will become overly expensive to cater to them all

Saturday, October 15, 2005

c'est long weekend

Alors, This weekend aku lumayan banyak aktivitas, hari jumat aku ambil cuti satu hari, karena aku memang ada rencana ke Tax consultant untuk interview masalah tax aku selama tinggal di sini.

setelah selesai dengan tax consultant dari PWC, aku ada rencana ke KBRI di paris, karena aku memang belum lapor dan pindah alamat walaupun aku sudah punya carte de sejours, cuma kalau ngga pindah alamat nanti bisa repot, anyway memang aku harus lapor lah wong di indoensia aja tamu harap lapor pak RT untuk 1x24 jam, heheheh masih ada ngga yaa aturan itu!!!

akhirnya sampai juga di KBRI, padahal kalau dari apartment aku ke KBRI sebenarnya ngga jauh paling 2-3 Km yaa cuman masalah waktu aja yang aku ngga sempet kesini... setelah registrasi aku harus nunggu dulu, terus mampir aja ke Koperasi dan membeli bumbu nasi goreng sama indomie dan gula merah, karena aku seminggu yang lalu beli jahe, jadi pengen bikin wedang jahe dengan gula merah. ternyata jumat ini ada beberapa rombongan anggota DPR dari komisi X yang yang ikut seminar di undang sama UNESCO, jadi sambil nunggu shalat jumat yaa kita ngobrol2 lah dengan para anggota dewan yang terhormat, mereka tanya aku sekolah disini..?? aku bilang ngga pak saya TKI di sini hahahhahha, dan meluncur cerita cerita mengenai indonesia, paris etc sebagai pengisi waktu, ngobrol hampir 30 menit para anggota dewan itu keluar dari KBRI dan kembali ke UNESCO karena ada rapat penting disana. terus aku yaa masuk ke aula untuk shalat jumat;

ada sedikit perasaan sedih, pada saat shalat jumat di bukan ramadhan, ada perasaan yang berbeda banget kalau shalat di masjid di paris atau bulogne dengan shalat di KBRI, I feel like at home. ah may be I just miss my country. setelah shalat selesai aku ngobrol-ngobrol sebentar dengan orang KBRI dan anak-anak Pelajar indonesia yang beberapa diantaranya aku kenal. setelah itu kembali ke bagian konsulat dan ambil passport yang sudah pindah alamat dan ini processnya gratuis.

balik dari KBRI aku pulang ke apartment pengen tidur siang hahahahahaha, sebelum sampai apartment Rudi, anak PPI paris yang ambil S3 disini telpon, dia ajak ngopi nanti malam dengan anak PPI lainnya dan ketemu sama orang TOTAL Indonesié, rencananya sich dia ajak buka puasa bersama, i said Ok deh. ternyata aku tertidur pulas dan baru bangun 20 menit sebelum buka puasa, I aku telpon Rudy, kalau aku ngga bisa ikutan buka bersama karena waktunya ngga ngejar untuk ke Saint-Michel dalam 10 menit, aku bilang in next 1 hours deh aku kesana. akhirnya yaa buka puasa di rumah untung ada indomie yang baru tadi di beli. terus kita ketemu di Saint-Michael, selain Rudi ada juga Romo siapa yaa aku lupa, dia juga sedang ambil S3 filsafat, Romo ini seorang pastur dan dia pengajar di salah satu universitas katholik di indonesia. akhirnya kita langsung meluncur ke Bastille, karena janjian disana jam 20h30, kita ketemu di depan opera bastille, dan beberapa anak2 PPI udah ada di sana. akhirnya kita kurang lebih ada hampir 15 orang termasuk teman2 dari TOTAL. ngobrol macem2 sampai jam 11.h30 terus bubar karena metro hampir finish.

Karena kemaleman Rudi yang ambil S3 di fontanableu harus nginep di rumah karena kereta yang kesana udah ngga ada, ok no problem. paling ngga ada ada temen sahur hehehe.
yaa kita ngobrol sampai jam 2 terus pada tidur, dan alarm bunyi jam 5.h30 bangun dan masak nasi goreng dengan sosis, telor, kacang polong dan ikan nugget untuk sahur. yaa beginilah nasib jadi anak kost,

jam 7 pagi Rudi udah cabut, karena dia mau packing rencananya dia mau pulang ke bandung tanggal 28 oct, dan keluarganya di bawa pulang juga dan bakal netep di bandung, sedangkan dia balik lagi dan mungkin akan setahun lagi di sini.

wah mata masih ngantuk tapi kalau tidur lagi nanti bisa kesiangan, aku ada janji sama Zitta, kita berdua mau ke Air France untuk ambil vaccine, jam 10h30 aku ketemu dia di Invalid metro, aku terlambat dikit gara2 ketinggalan RER C dan mesti tunggu 30 menit, kalaau metro tiap 10 menit ada, kalau RER wah lumayan lama, apalagi weekend.

dari metro invalid kita berdua jalan ke Rue d'la université 148, Air france Vaccine international, jadi tempat ini untuk vaccine buat orang yang mau mengunjungi satu negara, terus tempat ini ngga free kayak tempat vaccine yang lain yang di urus pemerintah, tapi tempat ini bukan dari senin sampai jumat jam 9-17 dan sabtu sari jam 9 sampai 16h00, udah gitu disini ngga perlu reservation, kalau tempat lain buka ngga tiap hari dan harus reservation. gitu dateng biasa register dulu kasih passport etc2, luamayan lama nunggu nya karena banyak visitor yang ambil vaccine, kayaknya pada mau yiapin perjalanan ke tempat yang hangat selama musim dingin december nanti. aku di vaccine DTP dan Influenza, aku harus bayar 48€ untuk dua vaccine ini dan aku harus ulangi untuk DTP bosster di bulan december, disini DTP wajib tiap 10 tahun sekali.

selesai dari sini kita berdua pergi ke la chappele, disini ada satu toko india namanya GOPAL, deket danget dari station metro, toko ini menjual banyak makanan asia termasuk indomie dan sambel indofood dan banyak makanan indonesia, terus terang harganya bersaing dari koperasi KBRI, hehehhe. disini aku sempet beli kerupuk udang asli dari indonesia, terus kacang hijau dan santan powder sama kamu manis, kayaknya enak nich bibin bubur kacang hijau, ngga lupa aku beli Kurma juga buat buka puasa, wah kayaknya tempat ini dan barbers bisa di jadiin tujuan mingguan untuk belanja, karena mudah banget cari halal food di daerah ini.

well oke lah balik ke rumah masing2, aku stop di jasmin zitta terus sampai pont de sévres,

bon weekend...

Friday, October 14, 2005

Indonesién restaurant

Agnes Marco Girl Friend, (left) and Sabine

During the way back from Bregtane last week, franck are discussed with me to out of dinner, I told him that in few days JM will come to Paris, coz he should pick-up, perempuan nya from Kuala, Agnes.

then I decide we will do it on Wednesday, this time restaurant Indonesia, I went to the restaurant last time but it was closed, so after several month never eat Indonesian food, even I can cooked Indonesiénne food, better we go to restaurant. On monday I sent email to Marco, Francky, Chammond and Cedric, but the last two not possible to come, they have something to do, we are work in Kuala together las time. Francky is invite also his friend,

on the day, I was come late because I was completely loss in Paris, last time easy for me to find the restaurant because and finaly JeanMarc pick-up me in Metro Odéon, but the best way in fact from Metro Jardin de Luxemburg, as far I know there is only two restaurant, hmm should I bring my Mom to open restaurant here, hehhee

Marco, haiiya perempuan orang Cina

here is the address Indonesian restaurant,

Indonesia restaurant Adresse: 12, Rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris Cuisine : Indonésien Téléphone :

Discuss about Sambel

the menu was modified to be accepted by French, but still not bad for the taste, all the friends seems to be happy with a good food, thank all you like this food.

Francky and Me, both are future CEO, more coffe Francky

Monday, October 10, 2005

Last day, back to reality

It's head of Napoleon still in Perros Guirec ...??

Well, it is sunday is our last day in bregtane,

it's time to go some shopping but before that we are planning to make local tourisme, and JM is our tourist guide for today.

He explained about the place called head of napoleon etc, is interesting I will not write to much just enjoy the picture.

some sport today, so we went to driving range together, before starting our friend Franck, coaching us a little bit about this, I told him I am not the master but tiger wood has been learn from me hahhaha joking.

Like a pro

after sport we went to some supermarket are selling gift and souvernir from bregtane, I bought some book how to create Creeps, specilities food from bregtane, and some candy caramel, any one interesting ....??? the caramel is really nice, soft and sweet.

well it is not enought time to be spent, finaly we should back to Paris, Marco drop us to lannion station and we went back to Paris with TGV and by mistake we are in the same train and number, and during the trip Franck share some picture of him, And we are arriving in Paris before mid night, salut franck

thank God and thank Marco for great Weekend,

a bientot a Paris.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

day #2 cooking

After finish Canoe, we come back to JM house, take a shower again and change clothes we will go to shopping mall, we plan to cook something.

Ok, we plan to cook Crab,
we bought 3 big Crab, shrimp and one shrimp very special, i didn't know the name in english. And not forget we are buy some fromage, in fact a lot fromage, because for Franck and JM is normal to eat fromage but for me it is a pleasure to eat and taste fromage, I will make story about fromage next tim dont worry I have refernce book about fromage.

What intersting in Supermarket when we are buy something JM suggest me to have a original Cola from Bregtane, it was look nice because using special bottle for that, interesting, So I took one bottle of Coca origin from Bregtane.

Ok we are cooking together help each other to make receipt, this JM is the Cheef a leader of Cheef with deputi my self and Franck. food was wonderful and we are started eat at 9.h00 Pm and finishes at 11.h30 pm, upps forget it was not finish because after main course we should have la fromage and dessert, finally we finish at 1.h30 after fromage and desert.

very tired after canoe and full of dinner, well both of us finaly sleep like a baby, completely death....... and weak up an 1h00 PM, to bad we miss tradional market.

day #2 Canoe

Franck (siluet) and Handsome Marco
OK, Finally we arrived in station Treggor at 11.h00 PM it was late about 30 minutes, and we saw Jean-marc waiting us, wow he become more fat and look very young hahahah, I think his very happy living in Bregtane, this is small town not like Paris is big city, he told me that he living in Kampong called perros-Guirec, from the station we arrived it took 30 minute to his house.

the fact we are not take a train directly to Bregtane is the way to save some money hahahah. That’s the friends are for.

When we arrived I heard wave from the sea, it was bit cold last night but it was OK, I also saw a lot of star in the night with wave from the sea it was wonderful very nice harmony really wonderful,

We are discussing a lot and he was preparing food, maroccean food is like tajin, it was nice, after that we talk a lot of things, we took some time to out together to see the beach in 02H00 PM in the morning is crazy but its fun because no body in the beach we are doing small jogging, very coold but is crazy, I never did this kind of thing hahahaha.

So we back at 03H00 and go to sleep, I am heard alarm from my phone at 6h00 but couldn't weak-up just switch off the phone and sleep again, then I miss the sahur, we are weak-up at 11.30 hahaahha

Since I am doing ramadhan, my friends are do some breakfast, meantime i am updating my blog and called family using skype-out, take about One Hour on the phone and cost me about 1.5 euro is really cheap.

Just weak-up

So we ready, JM asked to do some sport, Canoe hmmm intersting to do this sport is challanging, I really like to do some sport specialy sport in the sea, it took 3 minute by car to go to the Marine, JM renting Canoe for 3 person and there is other person join with us, and this trip is included with tour guide and instructor.

the instructure as us, about this sport, I said, this time is first time for me. in fact I am not have a good skill to swim, but Franck told me don't say that he will refused you, hahhah
bit affraid fo the first time, but I always sing a song, "Don't be affraid for something new, event you don't know"

the guy was teach us how to move with canoe, is very simple technic, ok for the first time not easy for me to contro the ship, but finaly I can manage.

We are ready

We are Canoeing a long the coast, is about 5Km,is really nice speacially when you cross the attoll, you have to wait the wave, it's kind timing game, when you have to go and when you have to wait. and I am the one can cross the attoll very smooth without any problem even this is first time for me.

well it was 3 hours we have to go back to Marine, otherwise the wave it will be more big than before, and also the water is getting cold, so we are doing racing to reach the beach, Ok this time I have no power since I am not anything.

Friday, October 07, 2005

La Bregtane est trés ou tranquile

Perros Guirec beach from Marco Apart

Today is Friday, it was plan long time ago to visit one of my friend was working together in Kuala, Now he is based in Perros Guirec, Bregtane, west of France.

I am very happy today because I had finished one of project for phase 1, and it was well perform, next week it second phase will be starting as ussual finished One come two, thank God was gave me a lot of opportunities, TGIF , so not so much work of load and people are not really stress except Franck, I had called him at 8h00 AM, he was in office, he told me that he had important presentation well he keep our rhythm like in Kuala, we are always worked with customer mindset fully targeted it’s really stress but it is fun.

I left office bit early this afternoon and not say bye to my best friend Olfa, she is have a lot of project this week, normally I always give a hand to her and always helping each other as team work, but today not really otherwise I will be stuck in office, hahahah sory Olfa,

The train to Lannion will departure from Gare MontParnasse, to go there from office it will take 1 hour more less, I have to take bus and change in Pont de sevres, take line 9 and stop in Trocadéro change to line 6 and stop in Gare montparnasse.

Marco and Franck

I arrived late than Franck, I am wait a little bit and we meet at Quick, is fast food like Mc D but this is french one, one of the famous burger restaurant in Paris, he order something but I couldn’t at that time still not yet break fast, he very kind he asked me that to eat something in front of me, I said well go ahead, I don’t mine. We are discussing a little bit while he finished the burger, and after that I stop by in sandwich store, is kind of bulangerie to buy sandwich to breaking fast. Well everything in France are expensive but sandwich in station is more expensive, for tuna sandwich is cost me about 7€ with petit coca ( small coca cola), anyway i have to buy otherwise it will be more expensive when you buy something in train.. finally we are not in the same train, I am in voiture 16th Frank is on voiture 17, even his the one was ordered ticket for me last time.

3 minutes after that train is boarding, lucky I am bring my laptop so I can read some document and reading some e-book and wrote the blogs.

England Style

1 hour after that train stop in station Le-Mans, I am remember with Mba Endang, we are in the same flight from Singapore to Paris. I would like to call but my mobile phone are in my backpack and I am seat down close to the window, dont want bothering people close to mes, anyway I will call her sometimes.

Finally breakfasting are come, it was 19h27 PM, so I am enjoyed my buka puasa with Thon Sandwich and coca, as usual the baguette are thought but nice, in bahasa is called “Garing di luar and lembut di dalam” really French bread are very nice specially when hand made bread. I was interrupted by conducteur who has check ticket, I remember last time when I went to Marseille no one are doing some checking, so I stop to eat my sandwich and gave him the e-ticket, the conducteur asked me d’identiti, upps I have not bring my passport because It was in chinnesse embasy to get visa to shanghai, it was luck I was made a copy before but I have to out from my chair and took from my back pack, I gave the copy of my passport and visa, he asked me I need your passport he said in French, I said sorry I am not bring it with me it’s in chinesse embasy for visa I said, I told him you can see my name and this is the copy of my passport and original work permit, is that not enough for you is said in French, hahahha I am not sure he understand what I am talking about since my French are not good enough, finally he agree ok no problem.

Well he just stop my sandwich…. in few minutes my friend Jean-Marc called me to make sure I am on the way, I said yes, I am on the train I told him I will be arrive in station Plouaret Treggor at 10h30 PM, ok he will pick me up, well at least it will be in next 2 hours from now.

will keep you posted

Thursday, October 06, 2005

"Humble Me"

I don't know why, I like all Norah Jones songs, I was listening some of her song today, and there is one song I really like it today, is humble me. For sure to be humble is not easy but is usefull to do it, sometimes you happy, sometimes you sad, sometimes angry but tried to be humble, it make you always balancecAs I always in my principe, "it's nice tobe important but is more important to be nice" be humble,

Went out on a limb
Gone too far
Broken down at the side of the road
Stranded at the outskirts and sun's creepin' up
Baby's in the backseat
Still fast asleep
Dreamin' of better days
I don't want to call you but you're all i have to turn to

What do you say
When it's all gone away?
Baby i didn't mean to hurt you
Truth spoke in whispers will tear you apart
No matter how hard you resist it
It never rains when you want it to

You humble me Lord
Humble me Lord
I'm on my knees empty
You humble me Lord
You humble me Lord
Please, please, please forgive me

Baby teresa got your eyes
I see you all the time
When she asks about her daddy
I never know what to say

Heard you knocked the bottle
And helped to build the church
You carry an honest wage
Is it true you have someone keeping you company?

What do you say
When its all gone away?
Baby i didn't meant to hurt you
Truth spoke in whispers will tear you apart
No matter how hard you resist it
It never rains when you want it to

You humble me Lord
Humble me Lord
I'm on me knees empty
You humble me Lord
You humble me Lord
Please, please, please forgive me

source :

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

first ramadhan in paris

Today, is first ramadhan in the word, most odf the moslem are doing fasting.

normally before fasting, it is sunnah to do breakfast in the morning before sunrise and will be break on sunset, today I was sahur with nasi goreng and fish nugget, as ussual I am cooking myself. it's nice Nasi goreng I bought seassoning in KBRI Paris, Indofood is well known brand in Indonesia, now even you can buy throught Yahoo
I know for the price in europe is not so cheap compare the price in Jakarta area is around 30 cent euros, he you can buy for around 1.5 euros, anyway is OK, nasi goreng is simple and easy to cook, and dont forget is delicious.

anyway this it will be my first experience doing ramadhan in europe, it will not the same as in moslem country. I will try to gave some story about ramadhan in france letter on,

Treasure of my life

Thanks to God was gave us the bless of your creation, they are very cute, handsome, beutiful and nice, I am the happy father in the world, event is 11.000 km away fom me, you are very closed to me, always. Hope you can be a nice person inyour life and be good

Rafi, with very nice smile, 5 month old, hmm 8,5 kg not bad infact is still full ASI

Kakak Khansa, selalu truh jari di pipi kalau di photo, sometimes I am look serious, like my father, but I am nice. and my father too
Mom, do I look Ok... , C'est cool
Hahahahah Eyang suka bikin Rafi ketawa aja sich, ada apa yaaa

Sleeping beauty, c'est tres joli

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Marhabban yaa Ramadhan

Bienvenu Ramadhan,

C'est le premier ramadhan pour moi à Paris. upps swicth ke indonesia dari pada pembaca protest.

walaupun bukan yang pertama kali ramadhan jauh dari keluarga, tapi kali ini benar benar dalam benua yang berbeda, moslem disini Insya Allah juga starting Ramadhan tanggal 5 october, Syukur Alhamdulilah jatuhnya pas ngga lagi musim panas jadi agak pendek waktu puasanya, Jam 6 Pagi disini baru shubuh dan magrib masih jam 19.27 PM tapi ini masih di awal-awal ramadhan, karena makin kesana yaa magribnya makin cepet sekitar jam 17.30 PM.

Ramadhan kali ini akan sangat lain dengan ramadhan waktu masih di Kuala lumpur, waktu itu tiap hari safari ramadhan karena assistance disana, cik Noor Hafidzah Zakaria, dapat banyak invitation dari hotel2 di Kuala lumpur untuk datang pas acara buka puasa, biasanya temen dari office yang di undang cukup banyak, kali ini ngga pasti disini.

belum check juga nich dengan KBRI di paris, Mudah mudahan ada shalat tarawih, hmmm jadi inget kalau buka puasa di rumah enyak, biasanya mbah uti bikinin bakwan goreng, ini makannya hangat-hangat sambil minum teh panas dengan potongan lemon, wah sedapnya.

hmm ntar bikin sediri deh, bakwan goreng walaupun mungkin ngga se-enak bikinan nyokap, tapi kali ini minumnya bukan teh dengan lemon, mau coba resep teh marroco, namanya "minthe the", resepnya di kasih sama Malek's Wife.

wah ini puasa aja belum mulai malah udah mikirin buka puasa hahahah. Sedihnya mungkin Lebaran nanti ngga bisa pulang kampong, tapi Insya Allah habis lebaran bisa pulang perkiraan november .

sebelumnya saya mohon maaf lahir bathin buat sayang suka akses blog saya, mohon di maapin kalau ada kata2 yang ngga berkenan dan semoga puasa kita bisa lancar and Allah mengampuni segala kesalahan kita semua dan memberikan derajat yang lebih baik dan Insya Allah bisa menyelesaikan puasa tahun ini dan Insya Allah Masih di kasih kesempatan puasa lagi tahun depan.

Marhabban yaa Ramadhan, marhabban yaa marhabban.......

Monday, October 03, 2005

How do I Build and Leverage a Personal Network??

Step #1: Building your empire

Get a new attitude.
Don't think that needing help is a weakness. Building a personal network means meeting, contacting and maintaining relationships with people who have the ability to help you succeed. Because most people have found themselves in your position at one time or another, they can empathize with your situation and gladly offer assistance-whether it be arranging introductions or offering advice.

Attend industry events.
Check your local trade organization's calendars for a listing of events in your area. Whether the event is a straight networking event or topic specific, it is an excellent way to meet others in the industry. If you don't feel comfortable going alone, get a few friends or colleagues to join you-but get out there! Make it a point to meet and talk to at least three new people (don't forget to get their business card). Follow up with the people you met in a quick next-day email. The goal is to make an impression so they will remember you the next time you contact them.

Keep a black book.
Maintain an address book that includes contact information for former managers, department VP's and reputable colleagues. There will come a time where you will want to contact these people again-whether it be for a reference or simple advice. Drop them a line regularly as to keep their contact information up to date.

Associate yourself.
It's probable that you've been part of an association at one point in your life (sorority/fraternity, scholastic or professional associations). If not, get out there and find a trade organization to join. Typically, these associations have online communication and/or networking opportunities to keep you in contact with other members. These are people you don't even know that are willing to help you! This can be a terrific resource for you to gather information about a particular industry or hear about hot job openings.

Step #2: Using your power

Keep in touch.
Communicate with your contact list via a quick email or coffee about once every one to two months. This will keep you fresh on their minds when they hear of a new job opportunity or company that may interest you.

Know what you're asking for.
In this day and age, people are extremely busy. When calling on your peers for assistance, be clear in your request and expectations. People want to feel as if they are actually helping you; however, if you don't know what you are asking for, you'll just end up frustrating everyone.

Get contacts from your contacts.
Here's the best kept secret in the world of networking. It's great to meet new people, but think about how many more people they know. During your next conversation, ask your contact to recommend three people you could speak to about _____ (insert your interest here). It's important to be specific and courteous when requesting information-don't forget, your contacts are putting their own name on the line for you.

Don't just scratch your own back.
As a productive member of society, you can also help your contacts gain access to companies and information via your personal network. Offer assistance regularly, especially if that person has helped you in the past.

Mind your manners.
Don't forget to say "thank you" to those who have helped you out! A simple hand-written note or small gift (there are several gift delivery sites online now that are easy and inexpensive) expressing your appreciation says it all.


Saturday, October 01, 2005


Turut berduka cita sedalam-dalamnya atas banyaknya korban.

Mengutuk keras, tindakan biadad yang tidak ber-adab !!!!

Semoga pelakunya segara tertangkap dan hukuman MATI adalah minimal...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Solving Real Problems ...

One fine day, a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus, and drove off along the route. No problems for the first few stops - a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well. At the next stop, however, a big hulk of a guy got on. Six feet eight, built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground. He glared at the driver and said, "Big John doesn't pay!" and sat down at the back. Did I mention that the driver was five feet three, thin, and basically meek? Well, he was. Naturally, he didn't argue with Big John, but he wasn't happy about it.

The next day the same thing happened - Big John got on again, made a show of refusing to pay, and sat down. And the next day, and the one after that, and so forth. This grated on the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of him. Finally he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo, and all that good stuff. By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; what's more, he felt really good about himself.

So on the next Monday, when Big John once again got on the bus and said, "Big John doesn't pay!," the driver stood up, glared back at the passenger, and screamed, "And why not?" With a surprised look on his face, Big John replied, "Big John has a bus pass."

Moral of the story: (SEE BELOW)

"Be sure there is a problem in the first place before working hard to solve one."