Monday, July 31, 2006

3G in Indonesia, are you ready ?

I have read some articles from International Herlad Tribune, last week end, the topic is talk about 3G bussiness not really successful in Europe after spent a lot of money on investment on new technology, some operator seem not really happy with the result. I am not pretty sure that this can be comparation when we would like deploy it this nez technology in Indonesia, So far the technology is driven by end user, we can calculate how much money user will spent everymonth for mobile communication, even in Europe not offten people are like doing 3G video call among each other, there is some reason behind, perhaps because of the quality of video ? because to expensive, or because I am not 3G subcriber.

Is really a question, people still thinking that phone is only communication tools, and communicate with people can use anything, SMS, Chat, etc not necassary with 3G phone. So is a question do I need 3G, Is it sure that Indonesia need 3G ? I am pretty sure not. Even some people are use to download with 3G phone but less than 0.01% since internet in Indonesia are very expensive.

Hope Indonesia will not follow European operator was failed to generate revenue after implement 3G network.

Some link could be interesting :

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bisakah podcast bisa menaikan traffic internet di Indonesia

Di Indonesia sptnya teknologi internet masih cenderung sebatas untuk download, browsing atau chatting. Dan lagi lagi yang di download masih selalu lari keluar negri, karena memang sangat sedikit sekali lokal kontent yang kita miiki, jadi kalau memang industri internet di indonesia kembali booming spt sebelum masa krisis tahun 1997 maka kontent local harus jadi pendorong penetrasi internet ( traffic download itu sendiri).

Saya lagi mikir, mungkin Podcast bisa jadi salah satu cara untuk meningkat kan penetrasi internet, kalau saja banyak orang indonesia yang podcasting ( setahu saya di itunes belum nemu content local indonesia), Kemudian pertanyaannya kenapa harus podcasting yang bisa mendorong local content, gini memang ngga banyak orang yang punya komputer tapi banyak sekali warnet dan sekarang keliatannya trend penggunaan Ipod / MP3 cenderung meningkat. Terutama di kalangan anak muda seluruh dunia ( kalau di paris sini ngga yang muda dan yang tua ber ipod ria di metro, bus atau di jalan, termasuk saya) pada awalnya sich cuman buat mendengarkan music atau lagu kesayangan tapi akhirnya koq mubazir cuman untuk dengerin music aja, yaa akhirnya saya banyak subcribe ke free podcast atau yang berbayar, tujuannya bisa keep update informasi atau teknologi selama perjalanan dari rumah ke kantor, jadi kalau malem tinggal connect Ipod ke PC dan update automatic, karena beberap podcast yang saya ikut langganan update setiap hari.

Kembali ke soal di atas, kenapa podcast bisa meningkatkan traffic internet di Indonesia dan meningkatkan local content, ya manusiawi saja kalau orang sudah addict dengan misalnya Lawak nya patrio atau hal yang sifatnya rohani sperti dengerin ceramahnya Aa Gym jadi masih sempet dengerin misalnya waktu makan siang atau jam istirahat di kantor, tetep keep update.

Kalau orang banyak melakukan ini saya yakin penetrasi internet di Indonesia akan semakin naik dan lagi lagi memang kebutuhan local content untuk podcast bisa membantu. Dalam podcast kita bisa ngomong apa aja, cerita apa aja tentang tergantung dengan topic dari podcasting itu sendiri, ambil contoh bebebapa blog di luar negri selain menuliskan text di blog nya juga di sajikan dalam bentuk audio, jadi ngga perlu berlama- didepan komputer, nah memang podcasting ngga selalu menghasilkan uang di awal tapi kalau anda sudah punya banyak penggemar, kayaknya suatu kebahagian tersendiri, hmm mungkin bisa saja dengan revenue sharing jadi ISP yang di untungkan dengan banyaknya traffic download memberikan sumbangan kepada podcaster local...

pasti banyak deh yang mau podcast kalau gitu, any way podcast itu ngga melulu harus dengan Apple atau dalam ipod / mp4 format, bisa juga koq dalam bentuk mp3, karen intunya cuma bikin rss file saja.

Dibawah ini beberpa link untuk podcasting, atau coba googling aja untuk bisa dapat banyak informasi tambahan, di tunggu deh podcaster-podcaster pioneer Indonesia.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello Papa

I called my wife today, and during the call my son just come to her mom and want touch the phone, she the phone to him before she told me some body want to talk. I heard his voice say "Hello Papa, hello Papa" then the voice gone.

I recognized, this is Rafi's voice, wow I am very surprise heard that voice, he try to speak now. My wife told me she always said "hello Papa", each time the phone at home ringing.

I really miss you son, I will not forgot when you give me big smile, you are my sun shine and I always remember when we play football together you are very happy and serious like professional player.

thanks to say hello to me.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

.......another year have to finish.

After several month this blogs are not yet update it, I am really sorry for friends are alwasy visiting this blogs time to time.

I was so busy since last posted in may, had a lot work, a lot of travelled. First to Stuttgart, and back to Paris, and stay for a night after that to Hongkong and Jakarta spent one week of each, and back to France with family for some early summer vacation, and sent it back them to after spent for a month here, rest for few days and fly back to france and stop over in Kuala lumpur for half day to see some friends and to get some infos and opportunities.

what a busy life, and also had many project on going in the same times, that's the reason I couldn't update this blogs, well I don't know from where I have to start, since a lot of story are pass in last two month at least. But eveyrthing was Manifique, I am very happy see my wife, my son grow-up and walk, kicking a football, I am happy to see my little girl have a lot of question about anything, and sometimes it's make me confuse to find the right answer, I will gonna miss this in moment again, hope I can manage it, and we can be together again.

Now back to the life, it is very hard but I will survive, and win the games, I knew it because I believe.